Neu beschriebene Amphibien

Informationen über neu beschriebene Amphibien und Hinweise auf taxonomische Veränderungen

Die Informationen über neu beschriebene Amphibien und taxonomische Veränderungen entnehmen wir aus verschiedenen Publikationen, wie Zootaxa, ZooKeys, Amphibian Species of the World vom American Museum of Natural History, und vielen anderen und stellen sie an dieser Stelle zusammen. Dargestellt wird ein Zeitraum von ca. 24 Monaten. Wir bemühen uns, so viele Erkenntnisse wie möglich einzuarbeiten, einen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit können wir natürlich nicht erfüllen.

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Datum Art Familie Hinweise, Quellen und Autoren
Datum Art Familie Hinweise, Quellen und Autoren
2024-10-18 Boulenophrys lichun (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A new Boulenophrys species (Anura, Megophryidae) from the coastal hills of eastern Fujian Province, China
[Shi-Shi Lin, Hong-Hui Chen, Yuan-Hang Li, Zhao-Ning Peng, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Jian Wang]
2024-10-15 Tylototriton soimalai (sp. nov.) Salamandridae The seventh species of the newt genus Tylototriton in Thailand: a new species (Urodela, Salamandridae) from Tak Province, northwestern Thailand
[Porrawee Pomchote, Parada Peerachidacho, Wichase Khonsue, Pitak Sapewisut, Axel Hernandez, Chitchol Phalaraksh, Parunchai Siriput, Kanto Nishikawa]
2024-10-14 Boophis archeri (sp. nov.),
Boophis burnhamae (sp. nov.),
Boophis janewayae (sp. nov.),
Boophis kirki (sp. nov.),
Boophis picardi (sp. nov.),
Boophis pikei (sp. nov.),
Boophis siskoi (sp. nov.),
Mantellidae (Boophinae) Communicator whistles: A Trek through the taxonomy of the Boophis marojezensis complex reveals seven new, morphologically cryptic treefrogs from Madagascar (Amphibia: Anura: Mantellidae)
[Miguel Vences, Jörn Köhler, Carl R. Hutter, Michaela Preick, Alice Petzold, Andolalao Rakotoarison, Fanomezana M. Ratsoavina, Frank Glaw, Mark D. Scherz]
2024-10-10 Micryletta thongphaphumensis (sp. nov.) Microhylidae (Microhylinae) Taxonomic revision of the genus Micryletta (Amphibia, Microhylidae), with description of a new species from Thailand
[Yu-Yang Cao, Chatmongkon Suwannapoom, Felista Kasyoka Kilunda, Wei Gao, Chun-Lian Wu, Yun-He Wu, Jing Che]
2024-10-08 Scinax ritaleeae (sp. nov.) Hylidae
A New Species of the Scinax granulatus Group (Hylinae: Scinaxini) from Northeastern Brazil
[Pedro Marinho, Julián Faivovich, Célio F. B. Haddad, Katyuscia Araujo-Vieira]
2024-10-04 Microhyla peninsularis (sp. nov.),
Microhyla sundaica (sp. nov.),
Callula natatrix (placed into the synonymy of Microhyla berdmorei),
Microhyla fowleri (placed into the synonymy of Microhyla malcolmi)
Microhylidae (Microhylinae) Four in one: An integrative taxonomic revision of the Microhyla berdmorei complex (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) illustrates the tremendous amphibian diversity of Southeast Asia
[Alexei V. Trofimets, Christophe Dufresnes, Parinya Pawangkhanant, Andrey M. Bragin, Vladislav A. Gorin, Mahmudul Hasan, Hmar Tlawmte Lalremsanga, Mohd Abdul Muin, Dac Xuan Le, Tan Van Nguyen, Chatmongkon Suwannapoom, Nikolay A. Poyarkov]
2024-10-02 Noblella arutam (sp. nov.) Strabomantidae (Holoadeninae) A new species of frog of the genus Noblella Barbour, 1930 (Amphibia: Strabomantidae) from the Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador
[David Brito-Zapata, Juan D. Chávez-Reyes, Matheo David Pallo-Robles, Julio C. Carrión-Olmedo, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, Carolina Reyes-Puig]
2024-10-02 Litoria skeliphros (sp. nov.) Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) A new species of treefrog (Litoria: Pelodryadidae) from the karstic South-fold Mountains of New Guinea
2024-10-02 Oreolalax adelphos (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) A new Oreolalax (Anura: Megophryidae) from the Hoang Lien Range, northwest Vietnam
2024-10-01 Noblella (partitioned into Noblella and Phyllonastes),
Psychrophrynella (transferred into the synonymy of Noblella)
Strabomantidae (Holoadeninae) The Rediscovery of Noblella peruviana after More than 115 Years Helps Resolve the Molecular Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Noblella (Amphibia, Anura, Strabomantidae)
[Rudolf von May, M. Isabel Diaz, Alex Ttito, Roy Santa-Cruz, Alessandro Catenazzi]
2024-10-01 Boulenophrys pepe (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A new species of the genus Boulenophrys from South China (Anura, Megophryidae)
2024-09-30 Adhaerobufo (gen. nov.),
Adhaerobufo ceratophrys (comb. nov.),
Adhaerobufo nasicus (comb. nov.)
Bufonidae The remarkable larval morphology of Rhaebo nasicus (Werner, 1903) (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae) with the erection of a new bufonid genus and insights into the evolution of suctorial tadpoles
[Pedro Henrique dos Santos Dias, Jackson R. Phillips, Martín O. Pereyra, D. Bruce Means, Alexander Haas & Philippe J. R. Kok]
2024-09-26 Amolops ottorum (placed into the synonymy of Amolops minutus) Ranidae Taxonomic relationship between Amolops minutus Orlov & Ho, 2007 and A. ottorum Pham, Sung, Pham, Le, Zieger & Nguyen, 2019, with first record of A. minutus from China (Anura, Ranidae)
[Shuo Liu, Truong Quang Nguyen, Minh Duc Le, Cuong The Pham, Anh Van Pham, Mian Hou, Hongxin Zhou, Mingzhong Mo, Mei Li, Biao Li, Xiong Luo, Dingqi Rao, Song Li]
2024-09-25 Neblinaphryne imeri (sp. nov.) Neblinaphrynidae A new species of Neblinaphryne (Anura: Brachycephaloidea: Neblinaphrynidae) from Serra do Imeri, Amazonas state, Brazil
2024-09-18 Cacosternum cederbergense (sp. nov.) Pyxicephalidae (Cacosterninae) A new species of Dainty Frog (Anura: Pyxicephalidae: Cacosternum) and the first endemic anuran to the Cederberg region of South Africa
2024-09-16 Phyllobates bezosi (sp. nov.),
Phyllobates samperi (sp. nov.)
Dendrobatidae (Dendrobatinae) Molecular phylogenetics uncovers two new species in the genus Phyllobates (Anura, Dendrobatidae): the terrible frog gets two new sisters
[Adolfo Amézquita, Fernando Vargas-Salinas, Iván Ramos, Pablo Palacios-Rodríguez, Erika Nathalia Salazar, Michelle Quiroz, Wilmar Bolívar, Diana M. Galindo-Uribe, Luis A. Mazariegos-H]
2024-09-16 Oreolalax yanyuanensis (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) A new toad of Oreolalax Myers & Leviton, 1962 (Anura, Megophryidae) from Sichuan Province, southwest China
[Yin Meng Hou, Pu Yang Zheng, Hao Qi Yu, Bin Wang, Xiao Hong Chen, Feng Xie]
2024-08-30 Amolops huanglianshanensis (sp. nov.) Ranidae A new species of the Amolops monticola group (Anura, Ranidae) from southern Yunnan, China
[Shuo Liu, Mian Hou, Mingzhong Mo, Yi Lu, Jimin Guo, Wen Wang, Wenxiang Zhang, Dingqi Rao, Song Li]
2024-08-29 Platypelis saikamavo (sp. nov.) Microhylidae (Cophylinae) A new species of colorful Platypelis (Amphibia: Microhylidae) from the Tsaratanàna and Bemanevika massifs in northern Madagascar
2024-08-28 Limnonectes abanghamidi (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes barioensis (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes batulawensis (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes lambirensis (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes lanjakensis (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes paginatanensis (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes paulyambuni (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes penerisanensis (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes separatus (sp. nov.),
Limnonectes tawauensis (sp. nov.)
Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) Revision of the Limnonectes kuhlii-Like Fanged Frogs from Malaysian Borneo (Amphibia: Anura: Dicroglossidae)
Masafumi Matsui, Kanto Nishikawa, Tomohiko Shimada, Koshiro Eto, Amir Hamidy, Ahmad Sudin, Mohamad Yazid Hossman, Melvin Gumal, Charles Santhanaraju Vairappan]
2024-08-26 Scutiger kanjiroba (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) Morphological and molecular data warrant the description of a new species of the genus Scutiger (Anura, Megophryidae) from the Central Himalaya
[Sylvia Hofmann, Daniel Jablonski, Joachim Schmidt]
2024-08-23 Leptobrachella aurantirosea (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) A New Leaf-Litter Frog of Leptobrachella (Anura: Megophryidae) from Tay Con Linh Mountain, Northern Vietnam
[Hoa Thi Ninh, Tao Thien Nguyen, Linh Tu Hoang Le, Thanh Vinh Nguyen, Huy Nguyen Quoc, Nikolai L. Orlov, Olga Bezman-Moseyko, Manh Van Le, Sang Ngoc Nguyen, Thomas Ziegler]
2024-08-20 Centrolene elisae (sp. nov.),
Centrolene marcoreyesi (sp. nov.)
Centrolenidae (Centroleninae) Simplifying the Centrolene buckleyi complex (Amphibia: Anura: Centrolenidae): a taxonomic review and description of two new species
[Daniela Franco-Mena, Ignacio De la Riva, Mateo A. Vega-Yánez, Paul Székely, Luis Amador, Diego Batallas, Juan P. Reyes-Puig, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, Khristian Venegas-Valencia, Sandra P. Galeano, Jaime Culebras and Juan M. Guayasamin]
2024-08-19 Nyctimystes hanwara (sp. nov.) Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) A new species of torrent-breeding treefrog (Pelodryadidae, Nyctimystes Stejneger) from the mountains of New Guinea with comments on the distribution of the genus
[Stephen J. Richards]
2024-08-19 Theloderma woltersi (sp. nov) Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new species of bug-eyed tree frog, genus Theloderma (Amphibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Vietnam
[Hoa Thi Ninh, Tao Thien Nguyen, Hoang Huy Nguyen, Nikolai Orlov, Manh Van Le & Thomas Ziegler]
2024-08-15 Choerophryne frieda (sp. nov.),
Choerophryne hageni
(sp. nov.)
Microhylidae (Asterophryinae) Two new Choerophryne species from western Papua New Guinea (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae)
[Rainer Günther, Stephen J. Richards]
2024-08-14 Liurana namchabarwa (sp. nov) Ceratobatrachidae (Liuraninae) A new species of the genus Liurana (Anura: Ceratobatrachidae) from Mêdog, China
[Haoqi YU, Yiheng Lin, Yuxi Wang, Puyang Zheng, Shengchao Shi, Bin Wang, Jian-Ping Jiang, Zhaobin Song, Feng XIE]
2024-08-14 Hypselotriton oolong (sp. nov),
Hypselotriton glaucus (placed into the synonymy of Hypselotriton orphicus)
Salamandridae (Pleurodelinae) Taxonomic determination of Hypselotriton populations distributed in eastern Guangdong, China (Caudata, Salamandridae), with description of a new species and a new subgenus
[Jian Wang, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Tian-Li Wei, Zhi-Tong Lyu]
2024-08-08 Zhangixalus faritsalhadii (sp. nov.) Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new species of tree frog (Amphibia, Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Central Java, Indonesia
[Ade Damara Gonggoli, Misbahul Munir, Fajar Kaprawi, Tom Kirschey & Amir Hamidy]
2024-08-05 Hylarana nigroverrucosa (sp. nov.) Ranidae Two Distinct Ranid Frog Lineages (Anura: Hylarana) from Halmahera, Northern Moluccas, with the Description of a New Species
[Huda Wiradarma, A.A. Thasun Amarasinghe, Achmad Farajallah, Kanthi A. Widayati, Antoine Fouquet, Awal Riyanto, M. Mulyadi, Wahyu Trilaksono, Evy A. Arida, Amir Hamidy]
2024-08-05 Hypselotriton huanggangensis (sp. nov) Salamandridae (Pleurodelinae) A new species of the newt genus Hypselotriton (Amphibia, Urodela, Salamandridae) from Jiangxi Province, southeastern China
[Zhihao Jiang, Song Huang, Qiangyong Fan, Lin Cheng, Yanan Gong, Zhangbo Cui, Tierui Zhang, Wenjun Lan, Zhian Zou, Xuanzhi Huang, Jean Raffaëlli, Jinmin Chen]
2024-08-03 Nanorana laojunshanensis (placed into the synonymy of Nanorana huangi) Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) Over-splitting and inconsistently applied criteria: a response to recent changes on the taxonomy of mountain spiny frogs (Dicroglossidae, Nanorana)
[Daniel Jablonski, Sylvia Hofmann]
2024-08-01 Stefania imawari (sp. nov.),
Stefania upuigmae (sp. nov.)
Hemiphractidae (Hemiphractinae) Head in the clouds: two new microendemic tepui-summit species of Stefania (Anura: Hemiphractidae)
[Philippe J. R. Kok]
2024-07-29 Adenomera cantitata (sp. nov.) Leptodactylidae (Leptodactylinae) Unexplored Urban Diversity: A New Species of Adenomera (Anura, Leptodactylidae) Related to Adenomera ajurauna from the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern and Southern Brazil
[Carla S. Cassini, Thiago R. Carvalho, Pedro P. G. Taucce, Célio F. B. Haddad, Mirco Soléo]
2024-07-25 Xenophrys yingjiangensis (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A field survey on the genus Xenophrys (Amphibia, Megophryidae) confirms underestimated diversity in the Gaoligong Mountains, with the description of a new species
[Yun-He Wu, Zhong-Bin Yu, Jin-Min Chen, Felista Kasyoka Kilunda, Ding-Can Zhang, Chang-Sheng Zuo, An-Ru Zuo, Zheng-Pan Duan, Jing Che]
2024-07-23 Limnonectes cassiopeia (sp. nov.) Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) A Long Overlooked New Species of Fanged Frog, Genus Limnonectes (Amphibia: Anura: Dicroglossidae), from Luzon Island, Northern Philippines
[Mark W. Herr, Hannah E. Som, Rafe M. Brown]
2024-07-08 Centrolene kutuku (sp. nov.) Centrolenidae (Centroleninae) A new glassfrog of the genus Centrolene (Amphibia, Centrolenidae) from the Subandean Kutukú Cordillera, eastern Ecuador
[Santiago R. Ron, Dominike García, David Brito-Zapata, Carolina Reyes-Puig, Elías Figueroa-Coronel, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia]
2024-06-30 Xenophrys apatani (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Megophryinae) On a new species of Xenophrys (Anura: Megophryidae) from Tale Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India with comments on the earlier erroneous report as X. maosonensis (Bourret, 1937).
[Bhaskar Saikia, Bikramjit Sinha, A. Shabnam, Ilona, J. Kharkongor, K. P. Dinesh]
2024-06-28 Litoria grinpela (sp. nov.),
Litoria kikori
(sp. nov.)
Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) Two new species of torrent-breeding treefrogs (Anura: Pelodryadidae: Litoria) from hill forests on the southern edge of New Guinea’s Central Cordillera
[Stephen J. Richards, Paul M. Oliver]
2024-06-26 Hyloscirtus arcanus (sp. nov.) Hylidae
Forty years later: a new Andean stream treefrog of the genus Hyloscirtus (Anura: Hylidae) from Ecuador, with comments on arm hypertrophy in the H. larinopygion group
2024-06-24 Bufo rubroventromaculatus (sp. nov.) Bufonidae A New Record of Bufo gargarizans Complex (Bufonidae, Anura) from Truong Son Mounts, Ha Tinh and Ha Giang Provinces, Vietnam Based on Molecular Evidence with a Description of a New Species
[Nikolai L. Orlov, Natalia B. Ananjeva, Oleg A. Ermakov, Svetlana A. Lukonina, Hoa Thi Ninh, and Tao Thien Nguyen]
2024-06-21 Rhacophorus dulongensis (sp. nov.) Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) Hidden in the bamboo: A new parachuting frog (Rhacophoridae, Rhacophorus) from the borderlands of western China, with comments on the taxonomy of R. rhodopus
[Ping-Shin Lee, Ben Liu, Meng Ouyang, Ren-Da Ai, Xiao-Long Liu, Yan-Hong He, Ping-Qian Huang, Ying-Chun Li, R. S. Naveen, Zhi-Yong Yuan, Jin-Min Chen]
2024-06-20 Euphlyctis (Phrynoderma) konkani (sp. nov.) Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) A new species of pond frog Phrynoderma (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from the coastal plains of Maharashtra, Western India
[Omkar Yadav, Amrut Bhosale, Yogesh Koli, Sujith V. Gopalan, Gurunath Kadam, Akshay Khandekar, K.P. Dinesh]
2024-06-20 Eleutherodactylus coelum (sp. nov.) Eleutherodactylidae (Eleutherodactylinae) A new species of direct-developing frog of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) from Tamaulipas, Mexico
2024-06-13 Calotriton arnoldi laietanus (ssp. nov) Salamandridae (Pleurodelinae) Integrative systematic revision of the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), with the description of a new subspecies
[Adrián Talavera​, Emilio Valbuena-Ureña, Bernat Burriel-Carranza, Gabriel Mochales-Riaño, Dean C. Adams, Fèlix Amat, Francesc Carbonell, Salvador Carranza]
2024-05-31 Plectrohyla catrach (comb. nov.),
Plectrohyla insolita (comb. nov.)
Phylogenetic Relationships of Two Poorly Known Honduran Treefrogs (Hylidae: Hylinae: Hylini)
[Wagner Chaves-Acuña, Eduardo Boza-Oviedo, Javier Zúniga, Gerardo Chaves, Federico Bolaños, James R. McCranie, Carlos R. Vásquez-Almazán, Julián Faivovich]
2024-05-28 Pristimantis normaewingae (sp. nov.) Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Phylogenetic diversity of the Pristimantis anaiae species group, with a description of a new species of Pristimantis (Anura, Strabomantidae) from Cerro Candelaria, Tungurahua, Ecuador
[Juan Pablo Reyes-Puig, Mario H. Yánez-Muñoz, Zane Libke, Patricio Vinueza, Julio C. Carrión-Olmedo]
2024-05-21 Rhacophorus qiongica (sp. nov.) Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) Underestimated species diversity within the Rhacophorus rhodopus and Rhacophorus bipunctatus complexes (Anura, Rhacophoridae), with a description of a new species from Hainan, China
[Shangjing Tang, Fanrong Xiao,Shuo Liu, Lijun Wang, Guohua Yu, Lina Du]
2024-05-16 Pristimantis asimus (sp. nov.) Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Similar looking sisters: A new sibling species in the Pristimantis danae group from the southwestern Amazon basin (Anura, Strabomantidae)
[Jörn Köhler, Frank Glaw, César Aguilar-Puntriano, Santiago Castroviejo-Fisher, Juan C. Chaparro, Ignacio De la Riva, Giussepe Gagliardi-Urrutia, Roberto Gutiérrez, Miguel Vences, José M. Padial]
2024-05-13 Alytes obstetricans lusitanicus (ssp. nov.) Alytidae A new subspecies of midwife toad (Anura, Alytidae, Alytes Wagler, 1829) supported by genomic taxonomy
[Johanna Ambu, ĺñigo Martínez-Solano, Christophe Dufresnes]
2024-05-02 Pristimantis rameshpateli (sp. nov.),
Pristimantis yanahampatu (sp. nov.)
Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Description of two new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from northern Peru, previously confused with P. phoxocephalus Lynch 1979
[Pablo J. Venegas, Luis A. García-Ayachi, Andy C. Barboza and Alessandro Catenazzi]
2024-04-30 Gephyromantis ampondo (sp. nov.),
Gephyromantis bemiray (sp. nov.),
Gephyromantis fuscus (sp. nov.),
Gephyromantis makira (sp. nov.)
Mantellidae (Mantellinae) Four new species of forest-dwelling mantellid frogs from Madagascar allied to Gephyromantis moseri (Amphibia, Anura)
[Miguel Vences, Jörn Köhler, Mark D. Scherz, Carl R. Hutter, Hasina M. Rabe Maheritafika, James M. Rafanoharana, Henri Raherinjatovo, Andolalao Rakotoarison, Franco Andreone, Achille P. Raselimanana & Frank Glaw]
2024-04-30 Gephyromantis corvus bakilana (ssp. nov.) Mantellidae (Mantellinae) Molecular systematics of the subgenus Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) with description of a new subspecies
2024-04-08 Epipedobates darwinwallacei (placed into the synonymy of Epipedobates espinosai) Dendrobatidae (Colostethinae) Deep divergences among inconspicuously colored clades of Epipedobates poison frogs
[Karem López-Hervas, Juan C. Santos, Santiago R. Ron, Mileidy Betancourth-Cundar, David C. Cannatella, Rebecca D. Tarvin]
2024-04-08 Zhangixalus thaoae (sp. nov.) Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) Zhangixalus thaoae sp. nov., a new green treefrog species from Vietnam (Anura, Rhacophoridae)
[Tao Thien Nguyen, Huy Hoang Nguyen, Hoa Thi Ninh, Linh Tu Hoang Le, Hai Tuan Bui, Nikolai Orlov, Chung Van Hoang, Thomas Ziegler]
2024-04-04 Amolops yangi (sp. nov.) Ranidae A new species of the genus Amolops (Amphibia: Ranidae) and the first national record of Amolops vitreus from China
[Yun-He Wu, Zhong-Bin Yu, Chen-Qi Lu, Yin-Peng Zhang, Wen-Jie Dong, Xiao-Long Liu, Felista Kasyoka Kilunda, Yun Xiong, Yun-Fang Jiang, Hong Ouyang, Zhong-Xiong Fu, Yun-Biao He, Zhi-Yong Yuan, Jing Che]
2024-04-01 Triturus marmoratus harmannis (ssp. nov) Salamandridae (Pleurodelinae) A subspecies of marbled newt (Triturus marmoratus) in the Iberian Peninsula newly resolved from congruent nuclear and mitochondrial dna data
[Jan W. Arntzen]
2024-03-26 Hylarana khare (comb. nov.) Ranidae Unnecessary splitting of genus-level clades reduces taxonomic stability in amphibians
[Stephen Mahony, Rachunliu G. Kamei, Rafe M. Brown, Kin Onn Chan]
2024-03-25 Rhinella kumanday (sp. nov.) Bufonidae A new species of terrestrial toad of the Rhinella festae group (Anura, Bufonidae) from the highlands of the Central Cordillera of the Andes of Colombia
[Luis Santiago Caicedo-Martínez, Jose J. Henao-Osorio, Héctor Fabio Arias-Monsalve, Julián Andrés Rojas-Morales, Paula A. Ossa-López, Fredy A. Rivera-Páez, Héctor E. Ramírez-Chaves]
2024-03-22 Limnodynastes grayi (comb. nov.),
Limnodynastes superciliaris
(comb. nov.)
Limnodynastidae Systematics and Taxonomy of the Northern Banjo Frog (Anura: Limnodynastidae: Limnodynastes terraereginae) and Allied Taxa
[Tom Parkin, Jodi J. L. Rowley, Grace L. Gillard, Jarrod Sopniewski, Glenn M. Shea, Stephen C. Donnellan]
2024-03-15 Aplastodiscus aulophonus (sp. nov.) Hylidae
A New Species of the Aplastodiscus albosignatus Group (Hylinae: Cophomantini) from the Northern Mantiqueira Mountain Range
[Pedro Marinho, Marcus Thadeu T. Santos, Julian Faivovich, Mariana L. Lyra, Ariovaldo A. Giaretta, Célio F.B. Haddad, Thiago R. Carvalho]
2024-03-15 Boulenophrys elongata (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A New Species of the Genus Boulenophrys (Anura, Megophryidae) from Eastern Guangdong, China
[Zhaochi Zeng, Jian Wang, Honghui Chen, Weiwen Xiao, Binbin Zhan, Yuanhang Li, Shishi Lin]
2024-03-12 Pyxicephalus beytelli (sp. nov.) Pyxicephalidae (Pyxicephalinae) A new bullfrog from southern Africa (Pyxicephalidae, Pyxicephalus Tschudi, 1838)
[Louis H du Preez, Edward C. Netherlands, Mark-Oliver Rödel & Alan Channing]
2024-03-11 Brachytarsophrys wenshanensis (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Megophryinae) Morphological and Molecular Data Revealed One New Species of the Short-legged Toads Brachytarsophrys Tian and Hu, 1983 (Anura, Megophryidae) from Yunnan, China
[Yanhong HE, Renda AI, Junkai HUANG, Xianqi LI, Xiaolong LIU, Junlin LAN, Jinmin CHEN, Zhiyong YUAN]
2024-03-08 Triturus rudolfi (sp. nov) Salamandridae (Pleurodelinae) Morphological and genetic diversification of pygmy and marbled newts, with the description of a new species from the wider Lisbon Peninsula (Triturus, Salamandridae)
[Jan W. Arntzen]
2024-03-07 Adenomera albarena (sp. nov.) Leptodactylidae (Leptodactylinae) A new species of terrestrial foam-nesting frog of the Adenomera simonstuarti complex (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from white-sand forests of central Amazonia, Brazil
[Bryan da Cunha Martins, Alexander Tamanini Mônico, Cianir Mendonça, Silionamã P. Dantas, Jesus R. D. Souza, James Hanken, Albertina Pimentel Lima, Miquéias Ferrão]
2024-02-22 Raorchestes hekouensis (sp. nov.) Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new species of Raorchestes (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Yunnan Province, China
[Lingyun Du, Yuhan Xu, Shuo Liu, Guohua Yu]
2024-02-22 Leptobrachella guinanensis (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) The fourth species of Leptobrachella (Anura, Megophryidae) found at Shiwandashan National Nature Reserve, Guangxi, China
[Wei-Cai Chen, Peng Li, Wan-Xiao Peng, You-Jun Liu, Yong Huang]
2024-02-22 Vitreorana uranoscopa (junior synonym of Vitreorana parvula) Centrolenidae (Centroleninae) Lost in time: Unraveling the identity of Vitreorana parvula (Boulenger, 1895) (Anura: Centrolenidae)
2024-02-20 Rhinella bella (sp. nov.) Bufonidae Cryptic diversity in toads of the Rhinella marina species group (Anura, Bufonidae) with a subjectively beautiful new species from Western Ecuador
[Pablo A Menéndez-Guerrero, Sueny P Lima dos Santos, María-José Salazar-Nicholls, David M Green, Santiago R Ron]
2024-02-20 Zhangixalus yunnanensis (sp. nov.) Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new species of Zhangixalus (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Yunnan, China
[Yuanqiang Pan, Mian Hou, Guohua Yu, Shuo Liu]
2024-02-19 Odorrana leishanensis (sp. nov.)
Ranidae A new odorous frog species of Odorrana (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) from Guizhou Province, China
[Shi-Ze Li, Ji-Jun Chen, Hai-Jun Su, Jing Liu, Xiu-Jun Tang, Bin Wang]
2024-02-15 Atelopus calima (sp. nov.) Bufonidae A new species of harlequin toad from the Western Cordillera of Colombia (Bufonidae: Atelopus), with comments on other forms
[David Andrés Velásquez-Trujillo, Fernando Castro-Herrera, Stefan Lötters & Amadeus Plewnia]
2024-02-07 Pristimantis paulogabrieli (sp. nov.) Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A new species of Pristimantis (Anura, Strabomantidae) from the state of Acre, Brazil
[Paulo R. Melo-Sampaio]
2024-02-07 Scinax ushiniauae (sp. nov.) Hylidae
A new species of the Scinax cruentomma group (Anura: Hylidae) from the Ucayali River basin of Loreto, Peru
2024-02-02 Litoria sibilus (sp. nov.),
Litoria calliscelis
Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) Systematic assessment of the brown tree frog (Anura: Pelodryadidae: Litoria ewingii) reveals two endemic species in South Australia
2024-02-02 Rhinella scitula (placed into the synonymy of Rhinella stanlaii) Bufonidae Integrative species delimitation and biogeography of the Rhinella margaritifera species group (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) suggest an intense diversification throughout Amazonia during the last 10 million years
[Antoine Fouquet, Miqueias Ferrão, Miguel T. Rodrigues, Fernanda P. Werneck, Ivan Prates, Leandro J.C.L. Moraes, Tomas Hrbek, Juan C. Chaparro, Albertina P. Lima, Renata Perez, Andre Pansonato, Vinicius T. Carvalho, Alexandre P. Almeida, Marcelo Gordo, Izeni P. Farias, Konstantin D. Milto, Igor J. Roberto, Rommel R. Rojas, Santiago R. Ron, Vinicius Guerra, Renato Recoder, Agustin Camacho, Luis Mamani, Raissa N. Rainha, Robson W. Avilal]
2024-01-31 Scinax juruena (sp. nov.) Hylidae
A new snouted treefrog (Anura, Hylidae, Scinax) from fluvial islands of the Juruena River, southern Brazilian Amazonia
[Miquéias Ferrão, James Hanken, Fabrício H. Oda, Karla M. Campião, Marcos Penhacek, Samuel Anjos, Domingo J. Rodrigues]
2024-01-31 Sphaerotheca varshaabhu (sp. nov.) Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) Discovery and description of a new species of burrowing frog Sphaerotheca Günther, 1859 (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from the suburban landscapes of Bengaluru, India
2024-01-25 Odorrana damingshanensis (sp. nov.) Ranidae A new species of Odorrana Fei, Ye & Huang, 1990 (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) from central Guangxi, China with a discussion of the taxonomy of Odorrana (Bamburana)
[Wei-Cai Chen, Yun-Ming Mo, Li Lin, Kun Qin]
2024-01-16 Brachycephalus herculeus (sp. nov.) Brachycephalidae A new species of Brachycephalus (Anura: Brachycephalidae) from the northern portion of the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil
[Manuella Folly, Thais H. Condez, Davor Vrcibradic, Carlos F. D. Rocha, Alessandra S. Machado, Ricardo T. Lopes, José P. Pombal Jr.]
2024-01-12 Amolops dafangensis (sp. nov.) Ranidae A new species of Amolops (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) from Guizhou Province, China
[Shi-Ze Li, Jing Liu, Xiao-Cong Ke, Gang Cheng, Bin Wang]
2024-01-11 Hylarana bannanica (sp. nov.) Ranidae Hylarana (Rana) bannanica removed from the synonymy of Hylarana milleti
The validity of Rana bannanica Rao & Yang, 1997 (Anura, Ranidae)
[Shuo Liu, Tan Van Nguyen, Nikolay A. Poyarkov, Qiaoyan Wang, Dingqi Rao, Song Li]
2024-01-09 Leptobrachella dushanensis (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) Description of a new Asian Leaf Litter Toad of the genus Leptobrachella Smith, 1925 (Anura, Megophryidae) from southern Guizhou Province, China
[Shize Li, Wei Li, Yanlin Cheng, Jing Liu, Gang Wei, Bin Wang]
2024-01-08 Guibemantis ambakoana (sp. nov.),
Guibemantis rianasoa
(sp. nov.), Guibemantis vakoa (sp. nov.)
Mantellidae (Mantellinae) Unexpected diversity and co-occurrence of phytotelmic frogs (Guibemantis) around Andasibe, one of the most intensively surveyed amphibian hotspots of Madagascar, and descriptions of three new species
2023-12-31 Craugastor nefrens & C. cyabnochthebius placed into the synonymy of Craugastor campbelli,
Craugastor glaucus & C. stuarti
placed into the synonymy of Craugastor xucanebi
Craugastoridae Molecular phylogenetic analyses reveal both underestimation and overestimation of species diversity in northern rain frogs (Craugastor)
[Jeffrey W. Streicher, John J. Wiens, Merlijn Jocqué, Uri O. García-Vázquez, Eric N. Smith]
2023-12-28 Boulengerula endauensis (sp. nov.) Herpelidae A New Species of Caecilian in the Genus Boulengerula from Endau Hill in South-Eastern Kenya
[Patrick K. Malonza, Victor D. Wasonga]
2023-12-24 Bolitoglossa bolanosi (sp. nov.) Plethodontidae (Hemidactyliinae) A new species of salamander (Caudata: Plethodontidae: Bolitoglossa) from the subalpine rain páramo of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica [Erick Arias, Gerardo Chaves, and Gabriela Parra-Olea]
2023-12-24 Mannophryne philidros (sp. nov.) Aromobatidae (Aromobatinae) Some new species can be foretold: An endemic collared frog (Aromobatidae: Mannophryne La Marca, 1992) is discovered in a still herpetologically unexplored mountain range in northern Venezuela [Enrique La Marca, Abraham Mijares-Urrutia, Luis A. Saavedra & Carlos Gottberg]
2023-12-22 Rhacophorus verrucopus (syn. nov.) Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) Redescription of Rhacophorus tuberculatus (Anderson, 1871) and the validity of Rhacophorus verrucopus Huang, 1983 [R. S. Naveen, Shuo Liu, S. R. Chandramouli, S. Babu, P. V. Karunakaran, Honnavalli N. Kumara]
2023-12-20 Scutiger luozhaensis (sp. nov.) Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) A new Asian lazy toad of the genus Scutiger Theobald, 1868 (Anura, Megophryidae) from southern Tibet, China [Sheng-Chao Shi, Lu-Lu Sui, Shun Ma, Fei-Rong Ji, A-Yi Bu-Dian, Jian-Ping Jiang]
2023-12-20 Pristimantis similaris (sp. nov.) Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A new cryptic species of terrestrial breeding frog of the Pristimantis danae Group (Anura, Strabomantidae) from montane forests in Ayacucho, Peru [Valia Herrera-Alva, Alessandro Catenazzi, César Aguilar-Puntriano]
2023-12-20 Limnonectes phyllofolia (sp. nov.) Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) A new species of terrestrially-nesting fanged frog (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from Sulawesi Island, Indonesia [Jeffrey H. Frederick, Djoko T. Iskandar, Awal Riyanto, Amir Hamidy, Sean B. Reilly, Alexander L. Stubbs, Luke M. Bloch, Bryan Bach, Jimmy A. McGuire]
2023-12-20 Physalaemus cristinae (sp. nov.) Leptodactylidae The taxonomic status of Physalaemus cuqui Lobo, 1993, with the description of a new species of Physalaemus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Argentina and Paraguay [Dario Cardozo, Cristian Tomatis, Ana S. Duport Bru, Francisco Kolenc, Claudio Borteiro, André Pansonato, Viviana Confalonieri, Luciana Bolsoni Lourenço, Célio F.B. Haddad, Diego Baldo]
2023-12-12 Crossodactylodes teixeirai (sp. nov.) Leptodactylidae (Paratelmatobiinae) A New Species of the Bromeligenous Genus Crossodactylodes (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Paratelmatobiinae) from Southeastern Brazil [Rodrigo B. Ferreira, Cássio Zocca, Suzana Ellen C. Carvalho, Célio F. B. Haddad, Marcus Thadeu T. Santos]
2023-12-08 Hylophorbus lengguru (sp. nov.),
Hylophorbus maculatus
(sp. nov.),
Hylophorbus monophonus
(sp. nov.)
Microhylidae (Asterophryinae) Species delimitation and phylogenetic analyses of a New Guinean frog genus (Microhylidae: Hylophorbus) reveal many undescribed species and a complex diversification history driven by late Miocene events [Flavien Ferreira, Fred Kraus, Stephen Richards, Paul Oliver, Rainer Günther, Wahyu Trilaksono, Evy Ayu Arida, Amir Hamidy, Awal Riyanto, Burhan Tjaturadi, Christophe Thébaud, Philippe Gaucher, and Antoine Fouquet]
2023-12-05 Caligophrynidae (fam. nov.),
(gen. nov.),
Caligophryne doylei
(sp. nov.)
Caligophrynidae Relicts in the mist: Two new frog families, genera and species highlight the role of Pantepui as a biodiversity museum throughout the Cenozoic [LAISA S. SANTOS, RAFAELLA S. ROSENO, MIRCO SOLÉ, IURI RIBEIRO DIAS]
2023-12-05 Neblinaphrynidae (fam. nov.),
(gen. nov.),
Neblinaphryne mayeri
(sp. nov.)
Neblinaphrynidae Relicts in the mist: Two new frog families, genera and species highlight the role of Pantepui as a biodiversity museum throughout the Cenozoic [LAISA S. SANTOS, RAFAELLA S. ROSENO, MIRCO SOLÉ, IURI RIBEIRO DIAS]
2023-12-02 Rana parvipalmata asturiensis (ssp. nov) Ranidae Delimiting phylogeographic diversity in the genomic era: application to an Iberian endemic frog [Christophe Dufresnes, Johanna Ambu, Pedro Galán, Fernando Sequeira, Leticia Viesca, Magdalena Choda, David Álvarez, Bérénice Alard, Tomasz Suchan, Sven Künzel, Iñigo Martínez-Solano, Miguel Vences, Alfredo Nicieza]
2023-11-20 Phyllodytes iuna (sp. nov.)
Another new species (and it’s not over yet) of Phyllodytes Wagler, 1930 (Anura, Hylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, northeastern Brazil [LAISA S. SANTOS, RAFAELLA S. ROSENO, MIRCO SOLÉ, IURI RIBEIRO DIAS]
2023-11-20 Vietnamophryne aurantifusca (sp. nov.) Microhylidae (Asterophryinae) A new species of Vietnamophryne (Anura: Microhylidae) from Northeastern Vietnam [HOA THI NINH, LINH TU HOANG LE, HAI TUAN BUI, HUY QUOC NGUYEN, NIKOLAI ORLOV, OLGA BEZMAN MOSEYKO, MANH VAN LE, SANG NGOC NGUYEN, CHUNG VAN HOANG, THOMAS ZIEGLER, TAO THIEN NGUYEN]
2023-11-20 Triturus pygmaeus lusitanicus (ssp. nov) Salamandridae (Pleurodelinae) Morphological and genetic diversification of Old-World marbled newts, with the description of a new and ‘not-at-all-cryptic’ subspecies from the Iberian Peninsula (Triturus, Salamandridae) [Jan W. Arntzen]
2023-11-18 Rohanixalus wuguanfui Rhacophoridae
Taxonomic revision of genus Rohanixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) in China with description of one new species [Xiao-Long Liu, Jun-Kai Huang, Bryan L. Stuart, Ren-Da Ai, Justin M. Bernstein, Chatmongkon Suwannapoom, Siriwadee Chomdej, Jing Che, Zhi-Yong Yuan]
2023-11-17 Tomopterna pulchra Pyxicephalidae (Cacosterninae) Tomopterna pulchra removed from the synonymy of Tomopterna tuberculosa
The status of Tomopterna pulchra Boulenger, 1896 (Anura: Pyxicephalidae) [FRANK WILLEMS, ALAN CHANNING]
2023-11-15 Nidirana noadihing Ranidae Musicians in the marsh: a new species of music frog (Anura: Ranidae: Nidirana) from Arunachal Pradesh, India [BITUPAN BORUAH, V. DEEPAK, ABHIJIT DAS]
2023-11-14 Pristimantis loeslein Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Contributing to the taxonomic inventory of green-colored rain frogs: A new species of the Pristimantis lacrimosus group (Anura: Strabomantidae) from the southern Cordillera Azul, central Peru [Ernesto Castillo-Urbina, Miguel Vences, César Aguilar-Puntriano, Frank Glaw, Jörn Köhler]
2023-11-10 Poyntonophrynus fernandae
Poyntonophrynus nambensis
Bufonidae Two new Poyntonophrynus species (Anura: Bufonidae) highlight the importance of Angolan centers of endemism [Ninda L. Baptista, Pedro Vaz Pinto, Chad Keates, Javier Lobón-Rovira, Shelley Edwards, Mark-Oliver Rödel]
2023-11-10 Leptobrachella phiadenensis,
Leptobrachella phiaoacensis
Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) Two new species of Leptobrachella Smith 1925 (Amphibia: Megophryidae) from Cao Bang Province, Vietnam [ANH MAI LUONG, CHUNG VAN HOANG, CUONG THE PHAM, THOMAS ZIEGLER, TRUONG QUANG NGUYEN]
2023-11-07 Kenyaphrynoides vulcani (gen. & sp. nov.) Bufonidae A new genus and species of toad from Mount Kenya illuminates East African montane biogeography [H. Christoph Liedtke, Patrick K. Malonza, Domnick V. Wasonga, Hendrik Müller and Simon P. Loader]
2023-11-06 Nanorana laojunshanensis Dicroglossidae A New Species of Nanorana (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from Northwestern Yunnan, China, with Comments on the Taxonomy of Nanorana arunachalensis and Allopaa [Shangjing Tang, Shuo Liu and Guohua Yu]
2023-10-30 Pseudopaludicola javae Leptodactylidae A New Species of Pseudopaludicola Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926 (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from Tocantins State, Brazil [Leandro Alves Silva, Felipe Silva de Andrade, Ennio Painkow Neto, Silionamã Pereira Dantas, Isabelle Aquemi Haga, Adrian Antonio Garda]
2023-10-30 Rhinella kuka Bufonidae Misjudged for long: a new toad of the Rhinella veraguensis species group (Anura: Bufonidae) from the Yungas forests of Bolivia [Jörn Köhler, Miguel Vences, José M. Padial, Amadeus Plewnia & Stefan Lötters]
2023-10-23 Arthroleptis nyungwensis Arthroleptidae (Arthroleptinae) A New Miniature Species of Arthroleptis (Anura: Arthroleptidae) from Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda [J. Maximilian Dehling]
2023-10-23 Alcalus fontinalis Ceratobatrachidae (Alcalinae) Discovery of a new species of dwarf frog (Anura: Ceratobatrachidae: Alcalus) extends the northwestern distributional limits of the genus to Northeast India [Bitupan Boruah, Surya Narayanan, Jason D. Gerard, Abhijit Das and V. Deepak]
2023-10-20 Xenophrys pangdaensis Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A new species of Xenophrys (Amphibia, Anura, Megophryidae) from southern Tibet, China [Guocheng Shu, Ke Li, Yayong Wu, Qin Liu, Zhongping He, Ling Li, He Zhang, Peng Guo]
2023-10-12 Oreophryne riyantoi Microhylidae (Asterophryinae) A new high elevation species of Oreophryne Boettger (Anura: Microhylidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia [AUNI ADE PUTRI, WAHYU TRILAKSONO, HELLEN KURNIATI, ALAN THOMAS HITCH, ANDREW ENGILIS JR, KANTHI ARUM WIDAYATI, ACHMAD FARAJALLAH, AMIR HAMIDY]
2023-10-08 Odorrana confusa (sp. nov.),
Odorrana trankieni
(junior synonym of O. nasuta)
Ranidae Redefinition of the Odorrana versabilis group, with a new species from China (Anura, Ranidae, Odorrana) [Hanming SONG, Siyu ZHANG, Shuo QI, Zhitong LYU, Zhaochi ZENG, Yongheng ZHU, Minghai HUANG, Fuchen LUAN, Zufei SHU, Yuening GONG, Zhifa LIU, Yingyong WANG]
2023-10-04 Amolops attiguus,
Amolops kottelati,
Amolops sengae,
Amolops tanfuilianae
Ranidae Systematics of the Lao torrent frog, Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat, 1998 (Anura: Ranidae), with descriptions of four new species [Jennifer A Sheridan, Somphouthone Phimmachak, Niane Sivongxay, Bryan L. Stuart]
2023-10-03 Boulenophrys hengshanensis Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A new species of Boulenophrys from central Hunan Province, China (Anura: Megophryidae) [Tianyu Qian, Ke Hu, Xiaoyang Mo, Zhiwei Gao, Na Zhang, Daode Yang]
2023-10-02 Litoria ridibunda Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) Revision of Litoria rothii (Anura: Pelodryadidae) from northern Australia [S.C. DONNELLAN, R.A. CATULLO, J.J.L. ROWLEY, P. DOUGHTY, L. PRICE, H.B. HINES, S.J. RICHARDS]
2023-09-28 Nanorana huangi Dicroglossidae A New Species of the Genus Nanorana Günther, 1896 (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from Hengduan Mountains of China [Feirong JI, Shengchao SHI, Shun MA, Cheng SHEN, Liming CHANG, Jianping JIANG]
2023-09-26 Geocrinia sparsiflora Myobatrachidae Phylogeography, hybrid zones and contemporary species boundaries in the south-eastern Australian smooth frogs (Anura: Myobatrachidae: Geocrinia) [Thomas Parkin, Stephen C. Donnellan, Benjamin Parkin, Glenn M. Shea and Jodi J.L. Rowley]
2023-09-26 Pristimantis donnelsoni,
Pristimantis kayi
Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Two new species of terrestrial frogs of the Pristimantis gladiator complex (Anura, Strabomantidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes, with insights on their biogeography and skull morphology [Juan Pablo Reyes-Puig, Miguel Urgilés-Merchán, Daniela Franco-Mena, Juan M. Guayasamin, Diego Batallas, Carolina Reyes-Puig]
2023-09-13 Dendropsophus luddecki (synonym of Dendropsophus molitor) Hylidae
Taxonomic inflation and a reconsideration of speciation in the Andes: the case of the high-elevation tree frog Dendropsophus molitor (Anura: Hylidae) [Alexandra Arias-Cárdenas, Lucas S. Barrientos, Carolina Pardo-Diaz, Andrea Paz, Andrew J. Crawford, Camilo Salazar]
2023-09-09 Bufoides bhupathyi Bufonidae A new species of Bufoides Pillai and Yazdani 1973 (Amphibia: Bufonidae) from Mizoram (India) and the delimitation of the distribution range of Bufoides meghalayanus (Yazdani & Chanda 1971) to the Khasi hills, Meghalaya (India) [Shuo Qi, Zhi-Tong Lyu, Han-Ming Song, Shi-Chao Wei, Qi-Feng Zhong, Ying-Yong Wang]
2023-09-01 Leptobrachella wumingensis Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) A new species of the genus Leptobrachella Smith 1925 (Amphibia, Anura, Megophryidae) from Guangxi, China [Wei-Cai Chen, Wan-Xiao Peng, Peng Li, Gui-Dong Yu]
2023-08-30 Hynobius tagoi (resurrected) Hynobiidae (Hynobiinae) Taxonomic reassessment of salamanders (genus Hynobius) from Tsushima Islands, Japan, with a resurrection of Hynobius tagoi Dunn, 1923 (Amphibia: Caudata) [KEITA NIWA, KANTO NISHIKAWA, MASAFUMI MATSUI, SALLY KANAMORI, MASAKI KURO-O]

Rana matsuoi (sp. nov),
Rana okiensis
(elevated from subspecies)
Rana yakushimensi (elevated from subspecies)

Ranidae A New Brown Frog from the Goto Islands, Japan with Taxonomic Revision on the Subspecific Relationships of Rana tagoi (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae) [Koshiro Eto, Masafumi Matsui]
2023-08-14 Niceforonia philippi (comb. nov.) Strabomantidae (Hypodactylinae) Taxonomic reassessment and nomenclatural status of Niceforonia dolops and Hylodes philippi (Amphibia: Anura: Strabomantidae) [ALBERTO SÁNCHEZ-VIALAS, MARTA MIÑARRO, JOSÉ M. PADIAL, IGNACIO DE LA RIVA]
2023-08-14 Tylototriton zaimeng Salamandridae A new cryptic species of Tylototriton (Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae) from mysterious mountain lakes in Manipur, north-eastern India [Ht. Decemson, Hmar Tlawmte Lalremsanga, Premjit Singh Elangbam, Mathipi Vabeiryureilai, Parag Shinde, Jayaditya Purkayastha, Dmitriy V. Arkhipov, Andrey M. Bragin, Nikolay A. Poyarkov]
2023-08-07 Adenomera guarani Leptodactylidae (Leptodactylinae) Redescription of Adenomera diptyx (Boettger, 1885) (Anura, Leptodactylidae) and description of a closely related new species [Víctor H. Zaracho, Esteban O. Lavilla, Thiago R. Carvalho, Martha Motte, Néstor G. Basso]
2023-08-03 Andrias cheni Cryptobranchidae Chinese Journal of Zoology: A New Species of the Giant Salamander of the Genus Andrias from Qimeng, Anhui, China (Amphibia: Cryptobranchidae) [Gong YA, Xu JC, Huang S, Huang RY, Li JQ, Jiang YQ, Yang DC, Yu J, Zhang Y, Li WJ.]
2023-08-03 Scutiger feiliangi Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) Chinese Journal of Zoology: A new species of the genus Scutiger from Eastern Qinling Mountains (Anura: Megophryidae). (Amphibia: Cryptobranchidae) [Zhou SB, Guan P, Shi JS]
2023-07-31 Scinax partitioned in Julianus, Ololygon and remaining Scinax Hylidae
Treefrog Diversity in the Neotropics: Phylogenetic Relationships of Scinaxini (Anura: Hylidae: Hylinae) [Katyuscia Araujo-Vieira, Ana Carolina C. Lourenço, João Victor A. Lacerda, Mariana L. Lyra, Boris L. Blotto, Santiago R. Ron, Diego Baldo, Martín O. Pereyra, Ángela M. Suárez-Mayorga, Délio Baêta, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, César L. Barrio-Amorós, Claudio Borteiro, Reuber A. Brandão, Cinthia A. Brasileiro, Maureen A. Donnelly, Marcos J. M. Dubeux, Jörn Köhler, Francisco Kolenc, Felipe Sá Fortes Leite, Natan M. Maciel, Ivan Nunes, Victor G. D. Orrico, Pedro Peloso, Tiago L. Pezzuti, Steffen Reichle, Fernando J. M. Rojas-Runjaic, Helio R. Da Silva, Marcelo J. Sturaro, José A. Langone, Paulo C. A. Garcia, Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues, Darrel R. Frost, Ward C. Wheeler, Taran Grant, José P. Pombal Jr, Célio F. B. Haddad, Julián Faivovich]
2023-07-25 Blommersia bara Mantellidae (Mantellinae) Integrative revision of the Blommersia wittei complex, with description of a new species of frog from western and north-western Madagascar [MIGUEL VENCES, MALTE MULTZSCH, JÖRN KÖHLER, ANGELICA CROTTINI, FRANCO ANDREONE, ANDOLALAO RAKOTOARISON, MARK D. SCHERZ, FRANK GLAW]
2023-07-21 Allobates albiventris Aromobatidae (Allobatinae) A new pale-ventered nurse frog (Aromobatidae: Allobates) from southwestern Brazilian Amazonia [Jesus R. D. Souza, Miquéias Ferrão, Igor Luis Kaefer, Antonio Saulo Cunha-Machado, Paulo Roberto Melo-Sampaio, James Hanken, Albertina Pimentel Lima]
2023-07-21 Bufo exiguus Bufonidae A new species of stream-living toad (Anura: Bufonidae: Bufo) from Guangdong, China [Shuo Qi, Zhi-Tong Lyu, Han-Ming Song, Shi-Chao Wei, Qi-Feng Zhong, Ying-Yong Wang]
2023-07-19 Odorrana heatwolei (resurrected)
Ranidae Resurrection and distribution extension of Odorrana heatwolei (Stuart & Bain, 2005) (Anura, Ranidae) [Shuo Liu, Mian Hou, Qiaoyan Wang, Dingqi Rao, Song Li]
2023-07-17 Amolops ailao Ranidae A new species of cascade frog (Anura: Ranidae: Amolops) from central Yunnan, China [Shangjing Tang, Tao Sun, Shuo Liu, Sangdi Luo, Guohua Yu & Lina Du]
2023-07-14 Brachycephalus tabuleiro Brachycephalidae A new species of Brachycephalus (Anura: Brachycephali­dae) from Serra do Tabuleiro, Southern Brazil [Sarah Mângia, Diego José Santana, Leandro de Oliveira Drummond, Leandro Talione Sabagh, Luiz Ugioni, Paulo Nogueira Costa, Milena Wachlevski]
2023-07-13 Litoria azuroscelis Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) A new large green treefrog (Litoria: Pelodryadidae) from western New Guinea, with the description of a new diagnostic character for the Litoria graminea group [Rainer Günther, Stephen J. Richards, Amir Hamidy, Wahyu Trilaksono, Taufan N. Sulaeman & Paul M. Oliver]
2023-07-07 Dendropsophus koechlini (synonym of Dendropsophus pauiniensis) Hylidae
On the taxonomic status of Dendropsophus koechlini (Duellman & Trueb, 1989) [Paulo R. Melo-Sampaio]
2023-07-06 Osteocephalus vasquezi Hylidae
A new species of spiny-backed tree frog, genus Osteocephalus (Anura, Hylidae), from the Yanachaga Chemillén National Park in central Peru [Pablo J. Venegas, Luis A. García-Ayachi, Eduardo Toral, José Malqui, Santiago R. Ron]
2023-07-03 Tylototriton ngoclinhensis Salamandridae Southbound – the southernmost record of Tylototriton (Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae) from the Central Highlands of Vietnam represents a new species [Trung My Phung, Cuong The Pham, Truong Quang Nguyen, Hoa Thi Ninh, Huy Quoc Nguyen, Marta Bernardes, Son Thanh Le, Thomas Ziegler, Tao Thien Nguyen]
2023-07-03 Desmognathus anicetus,
Desmognathus bairdi,
Desmognathus campi,
Desmognathus catahoula,
Desmognathus lycos,
Desmognathus tilleyi
Plethodontidae (Plethodontinae) Systematic revision of the Spotted and Northern Dusky Salamanders (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus conanti and D. fuscus), with six new species from the eastern United States [R. ALEXANDER PYRON, DAVID A. BEAMER]
2023-06-28 Pristimantis kalamandeenae,
Pristimantis koki,
Pristimantis kopinangae
Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Exceptional diversity of Pristimantis Landfrogs (Anura: Terraranae) on the Wokomung Massif, Guyana, with descriptions of three new species [D. Bruce Means, Matthew P. Heinicke, S. Blair Hedges, Ross D. Macculloch, Amy Lathrop]
2023-06-28 Crossodactylodes serranegra Leptodactylidae (Paratelmatobiinae) A New Species of Crossodactylodes from the Espinhaço Mountain Range, Southeastern Brazil (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Paratelmatobiinae) [Marcus Thadeu T. Santos, Paulo D.P. Pinheiro, Paulo C.A. Garcia, Richard A. Griffiths, Célio F.B. Haddad, Izabela M. Barata]
2023-06-20 Pristimantis clarae Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A New Species of Terrestrial-Breeding Frog, Genus Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae), from the Peruvian Yungas of Central Peru [Pablo J. Venegas, Luis A. García-Ayachi, Axel Marchelie, Jesús R. Ormeño and Alessandro Catenazzi]
2023-06-19 Guibemantis pulcherrimus Mantellidae (Mantellinae) A new species of Pandanus-dwelling frog from northern Madagascar related to Guibemantis pulcher [MIGUEL VENCES, CARL R. HUTTER, FRANK GLAW, ANDOLALAO RAKOTOARISON, ACHILLE P. RASELIMANANA, MARK D. SCHERZ]
2023-06-16 Stefania lathropae(sp. nov.) Hemiphractidae (Hemiphractinae) Out of Sight, but Not Out of Mind: A Name for the Stefania (Anura: Hemiphractidae) from the Summit of Murisipán-tepui (Bolívar State, Venezuela)[Philippe J. R. Kok]
2023-06-06 Allobates ripicolus,
Allobates vicinus
Aromobatidae (Allobatinae) Two new species of Allobates of the trilineatus clade (Anura: Aromobatidae) from the Eastern Guiana Shield [ANTOINE FOUQUET, MIQUÉIAS FERRÃO, RAWIEN JAIRAM]
2023-06-06 Pristimantis campinarana Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from white-sand forests of central Amazonia, Brazil [Alexander Tamanini Mônico, Miquéias Ferrão, Jiří Moravec, Antoine Fouquet and Albertina P. Lima]
2023-06-03 Nanohyla albopunctata Microhylidae (Microhylinae) A new species of Nanohyla (Anura: Microhylidae) from the lowland forests of southern Vietnam [Vladislav A. Gorin, Alexey V. Trofimets, Svetlana S. Gogoleva, Le Xuan Dac and Nikolay A. Poyarkov]
2023-06-02 Mixophyes australis Myobatrachidae A new species of barred frog, Mixophyes (Anura: Myobatrachidae) from south-eastern Australia identified by molecular genetic analyses [MICHAEL J MAHONY, TERRY BERTOZZI, JARO GUZINSKI, HARRY B HINES, STEPHEN C DONNELLAN]
2023-05-26 Gracixalus patkaiensis Rhacophoridae
A new species of green tree frog of the genus Gracixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from the evergreen forest of Northeast India [Bitupan Boruah, V. Deepak, Naitik G. Patel, Vijayan Jithin, Tajum Yomcha, Abhijit Das]
2023-05-25 Stefania maccullochi Hemiphractidae (Hemiphractinae) Bones and all: a new critically endangered Pantepui species of Stefania (Anura: Hemiphractidae) and a new osteological synapomorphy for the genus [Philippe J. R. Kok]
2023-05-22 Phrynopus sancristobali Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A new species of Andean frog of the genus Phrynopus (Anura: Strabomantidae) from southeastern Peru [VLADIMIR DÍAZ, LUIS MAMANI, ALESSANDRO CATENAZZI ]
2023-05-17 Hynobius bambusicolus Hynobiidae (Hynobiinae) An Isolated and Deeply Divergent Hynobius Species from Fujian, China [Zhenqi Wang, Siti N. Othman, Zhixin Qiu, Yiqiu Lu, Vishal Kumar Prasad, Yuran Dong, Chang-Hu Lu and Amaël Borzée]
2023-05-16 Chimerella mira Centrolenidae (Centroleninae) A third species of glassfrog in the genus Chimerella (Anura, Centrolenidae) from central Peru, discovered by an integrative taxonomic approach [Jörn Köhler, Pablo J. Venegas, Ernesto Castillo-Urbina, Frank Glaw, César Aguilar-Puntriano, Miguel Vences]
2023-05-15 Poyntonophrynus grindleyi (comb. nov.)
Poyntonophrynus jordani
(comb. nov.)
Bufonidae Re-evaluation of the status of Bufo vertebralis grindleyi and Bufo jordani (Anura: Bufonidae) [Mark-Oliver Rödel, François S. Becker, Bertha Buiswalelo, Werner Conradie & Alan Channing]
2023-05-10 Nidirana chongqingensis Ranidae A new species of Nidirana Dubois, 1992 (Anura, Ranidae) from Chongqing Municipality, China [Qi Ma, Zhijian Wang]
2023-05-09 Scinax pyroinguinis Hylidae
Rising from the ashes: A new treefrog (Anura, Hylidae, Scinax) from a wildfire-threatened area in the Amazon lowlands of central Peru [Germán Chávez, Wilmar Aznaran, Luis A. García-Ayachi, Alessandro Catenazzi]
2023-05-09 Centrolene camposi,
Centrolene ericsmithi
Centrolenidae (Centroleninae) Two new syntopic species of glassfrogs (Amphibia, Centrolenidae, Centrolene) from the southwestern Andes of Ecuador [Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, Mario H. Yánez-Muñoz, Juan C. Sánchez-Nivicela, Santiago R. Ron]
2023-05-09 Pelophylax persicus (comb. nov.) Ranidae A synoptic review of the Amphibians of Iran: bibliography, taxonomy, synonymy, distribution, conservation status, and identification key to the eggs, larvae, and adults [BARBOD SAFAEI-MAHROO, HANYEH GHAFFARI, AIDIN NIAMIR]
2023-04-28 Guibemantis fotsitenda,
Guibemantis razandry,
Guibemantis razoky
Mantellidae (Mantellinae) An initial molecular resolution of the mantellid frogs of the Guibemantis liber complex reveals three new species from northern Madagascar [Thore Koppetsch, Maciej Pabijan, Carl R. Hutter, Jörn Köhler, Philip-Sebastian Gehring, Andolalao Rakotoarison, Fanomezana M. Ratsoavina, Mark D. Scherz, David R. Vieites, Frank Glaw, Miguel Vences]
2023-04-27 Litoria beryllinus,
Litoria spectabilis
Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) Two new species of green treefrogs (Pelodryadidae: Litoria) from the northern slopes of Papua New Guinea’s Central Cordillera [STEPHEN J. RICHARDS, STEPHEN C. DONNELLAN]
2023-04-24 Eleutherodactylus franzi Eleutherodactylidae (Eleutherodactylinae) A novel species of piping frog Eleutherodactylus (Anura, Eleutherodactylidae) from southern Mexico [Christoph I. Grünwald, Carlos Montaño-Ruvalcaba, Jason M. Jones, Iván Ahumada-Carrillo, André J. Grünwald, Jiacheng Zheng, Jason L. Strickland, Jacobo Reyes-Velasco]
2023-04-24 Nymphargus pijao Centrolenidae A multidisciplinary approach reveals a new species of glassfrog from Colombia (Anura: Centrolenidae: Nymphargus) [SEBASTIÁN O. MONTILLA, LUISA F. ARCILA-PÉREZ, MARÍA PAULA TORO-GÓMEZ, FERNANDO VARGAS-SALINAS, MARCO RADA]
2023-04-20 Caecilia wilkinsoni Caeciliidae A new species of Caecilia Linnaeus, 1758 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae) from the Pacific lowlands of Colombia, with comments on the status of C. tenuissima Taylor, 1973 [JUAN DAVID FERNÁNDEZ-ROLDÁN, JOHN D. LYNCH]
2023-04-19 Caecilia yaigoje Caeciliidae A New Caecilia (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae) from the Colombian Amazon [Juan David Fernández-Roldán, Guido Fabian Medina-Rangel, John D. Lynch]
2023-04-19 Bolitoglossa muisca Plethodontidae (Hemidactyliinae) A new Bolitoglossa (Amphibia, Caudata, Plethodontidae) from the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia [Yeny Rocio López-Perilla, Juan David Fernández-Roldán, Fabio Leonardo Meza-Joya, Guido Fabian Medina-Rangel]
2023-04-10 Phrynobatrachus rillingi Phrynobatrachidae Phrynobatrachus rillingi (Anura: Phrynobatrachidae), a New Large Puddle Frog from Nyambene Hills, Kenya [Patrick K. Malonza]
2023-04-10 Pristimantis numbala,
Pristimantis paladines,
Pristimantis sagedunneae
Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Molecular and Morphological Assessment of Rain Frogs in the Pristimantis orestes Species Group (Amphibia: Anura: Strabomantidae) with the Description of Three New Cryptic Species from Southern Ecuador [Paul Székely, Diana Székely, Diego Armijos-Ojeda, Santiago Hualpa-Vega, Judit Vörös]
2023-04-05 Litoria daraiensis,
Litoria gracilis,
Litoria haematogaste,
Litoria lisae,
Litoria naispela
Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) Five new species of the pelodryadid genus Litoria Tschudi from the southern versant of Papua New Guinea’s Central Cordillera, with observations on the diversification of reproductive strategies in Melanesian treefrogs [STEPHEN J. RICHARDS, STEPHEN C. DONNELLAN, PAUL M. OLIVER]
2023-03-31 Amolops siju Ranidae Description of a new species of Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) from a cave ecosystem in Meghalaya, Northeast India [Bhaskar Saikia, Bikramjit Sinha , A. Shabnam , K. P. Dinesh]
2023-03-30 Siren sphagnicola (sp. nov.),
Siren nettingi
(comb. nov.)
Sirenidae Unraveling Siren (Caudata: Sirenidae) systematics and description of a small, seepage specialist [MATTHEW T. FEDLER, KEVIN M. ENGE, PAUL E. MOLER]
2023-03-28 Synapturanus artifex,
Synapturanus latebrosus,
Synapturanus sacratus
Microhylidae (Otophryninae) Three new species of the Synapturanus rabus complex (Microhylidae: Otophryninae) in Colombia with a review of the genus Synapturanus [MARIELA OSORNO-MUÑOZ, DORIS L. GUTIÉRREZ-LAMUS, JOHN LYNCH, RACHEL KEEFFE, JOSÉ RANCÉS CAICEDO-PORTILLA, KIN NOK CHAN, JOÃO F. R. TONINI, RAFAEL O. DE SÁ ]
2023-03-27 Theloderma pseudohorridum Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A New Species of Theloderma Tschudi, 1838 (Amphibia: Rhacoporidae) from Central Java Allied to T. horridum (Boulenger, 1903) [Nia KURNIAWAN, Luhur SEPTIADI, Ahmad Muammar KADAFI, Muhammad FATHONI, Kartika PRABASARI and Panupong THAMMACHOTI]
2023-03-27 Cynops jiaoren (sp. nov.),
Cynops maguae
(sp. nov.),
Cynops yunnanensis
(comb. nov.)
Salamandridae Two New Species of Fire-Bellied Newts (Caudata, Salamandridae, Cynops) from Southeastern Chinay [Zhitong LYU, Shuo QI, Siyu ZHANG, Keyuan DAI and Yingyong WANG]
2023-03-27 Amolops sangzhiensis Ranidae A New Species of the Amolops mantzorum Group (Anura: Ranidae: Amolops) from Northwestern Hunan Province, China [Tianyu QIAN, Jianjun XIANG, Jianping JIANG, Daode YANG and Jian GUI]
2023-03-27 Leptobrachella jinyunensis Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) Multiple Data Sources Reveal a New Asian Leaf Litter Toad of Leptobrachella Smith, 1925 (Anura, Megophryidae) from Southwestern China [Shengchao SHI, Tuo SHEN, Xin WANG, Jianping JIANG and Bin WANG]
2023-03-27 Pseudophilautus conniffae (syn. nov.) Rhacophoridae
Pseudophilautus conniffae is a junior synonym of Pseudophilautus limbus
Taxonomic status of Pseudophilautus conniffae (Anura: Rhacophoridae) an endemic shrub frog restricted to South–Western wet zone of Sri Lanka [SHASHIKA ABEYSEKARA, HELANI SAMARASINGHE, KELUM MANAMENDRA-ARACHCHI, HIMASH ADHIKARI, SONALI PREMARATHNE, CHAMPIKA BANDARA, USHANI PERERA, NAYANA WIJAYATHILAKA ]
2023-03-18 Jingophrys (gen. nov.),
(gen. nov.),
Xenophrys dehongensis
(sp. nov.),
Xenophrys lancangica
(sp. nov.)
Megophryidae (Megophryinae) Generic classification of Asian horned toads (Anura: Megophryidae: Megophryinae) and monograph of Chinese species [Zhi-Tong Lyu, Shuo Qi, Jian Wang, Si-Yu Zhang, Jian Zhao, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Han Wan, Jian-Huan Yang, Yun-Ming Mo, Ying-Yong Wang]
2023-03-16 Phrynopus apumantarum Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A new species of frog (Terrarana, Strabomantidae, Phrynopus) from the Peruvian Andean Grasslands [Germán Chávez, Luis A. García-Ayachi, Alessandro Catenazzi]
2023-03-14 Zhangixalus melanoleucus Rhacophoridae
Mountain jade: A new high-elevation microendemic species of the genus Zhangixalus (Amphibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Laos [Peter Brakels, Tan Van Nguyen, Parinya Pawangkhanant, Sabira S. Idiiatullina, Sengvilay Lorphengsy, Chatmongkon Suwannapoom, Nikolay A. Poyarkov]
2023-03-13 Blommersia dupreezi Mantellidae (Mantellinae) Genetic diversity of the mantellid frog Blommersia blommersae, and description of a new anuran species from south-eastern Madagascar [Miguel Vences, Moritz Armerding, Jörn Köhler & Frank Glaw]
2023-03-13 Amnirana parva Ranidae The smallest of its kind: Description of a new cryptic Amnirana species (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) from West African rainforests [FREDERIC GRIESBAUM, GREGORY F.M. JONGSMA, JOHANNES PENNER, N’GORAN GERMAIN KOUAMÉ, JOSEPH DOUMBIA, NONO L. GONWOUO, ANNIKA HILLERS, JULIAN GLOS, DAVID C. BLACKBURN, MARK-OLIVER RÖDEL]
2023-03-10 Gracixalus truongi Rhacophoridae
A new species of Gracixalus (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from northwestern Vietnam [Tung Thanh Tran, Anh Van Pham, Minh Duc Le, Nam Hai Nguyen, Thomas Ziegler, Cuong The Pham]
2023-03-08 Dendrophryniscus cuca Bufonidae A New Species of Dendrophryniscus Jiménez de la Espada 1871 (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae) from Mantiqueira Mountain Range, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil [Matheus Oliveira Neves; Lucio Moreira Campos Lima; Ricardo Koroiva; Renato Christensen Nali; Diego José Santana]
2023-03-08 Eleutherodactylus humboldti,
Eleutherodactylus jamesdixoni
Eleutherodactylidae (Eleutherodactylinae) Two new species of Eleutherodactylus from western and central Mexico (Eleutherodactylus jamesdixoni sp. nov., Eleutherodactylus humboldti sp. nov.) [Thomas J. Devitt, Karen Tseng, Marlena Taylor-Adair, Sannidhi Koganti, Alice Timugura, David C. Cannatella]
2023-03-07 Amolops terraorchis Ranidae A new species of Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) representing the morphological Marmoratus species group from Sessa Orchid Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India [Bhaskar Saikia, Bikramjit Sinha, Mostaque A. Laskar, A. Shabnam, K. P. Dinesh]
2023-03-07 Amolops chanakya,
Amolops tawang
Ranidae Description of two new species of Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) from Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India under the morphological Viridimaculatus species group [Bhaskar Saikia, Mostaque A. Laskar, K. P. Dinesh, A. Shabnam and Bikramjit Sinha]
2023-03-04 Desmognathus cheahai Plethodontidae (Plethodontinae) Speciation Hypotheses from Phylogeographic Delimitation Yield an Integrative Taxonomy for Seal Salamanders (Desmognathus monticola) [R Alexander Pyron, Kyle A O’Connell, Sophie C Duncan, Frank T Burbrink, David A Beamer]
2023-03-02 Vitreorana assuh Centrolenidae An elusive giant: A new species of Vitreorana Guayasamin et al., 2009 (Anura: Centrolenidae) from the northern Atlantic Forest with an osteological description and comments on integumentary spicules [VICTOR M. ZUCCHETTI, OMAR ROJAS-PADILLA, IURI R. DIAS, MIRCO SOLÉ, VICTOR G. D. ORRICO, SANTIAGO CASTROVIEJO-FISHER]
2023-03-01 Cophixalus gigiraensis Microhylidae (Asterophryinae) Another giant species of the microhylid frog genus Cophixalus Boettger, 1892 from the mountains of Papua New Guinea and first records of procoracoids in the genus [Rainer Günther, Chris Dahl, Stephen J. Richards]
2023-03-01 Lithobates (Rana) adleri,
Lithobates (Rana) hillisi
Ranidae Two other new species of Rana (ANURA: RANIDAE) in the Mexican Pacific coasts of Guerrero and Sinaloa [Edmundo Pérez-Ramos]
2023-02-28 Raorchestes malipoensis Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new species of Bush frog (Anura, Rhacophoridae, Raorchestes) from southeastern Yunnan, China [Junkai Huang, Xiao Long Liu, Lingyun Du, Justin M. Bernstein, Shuo Liu, Yun Yang, Guohua Yu, Zhengjun Wu]
2023-02-23 Leptobrachella korifi,
Leptobrachella sinorensis
Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) Two New Species of Leptobrachella from Northern Thailand (Amphibia, Anura, Megophryidae) [Masafumi Matsui, Somsak Panha, Koshiro Eto]
2023-02-23 Litoria lakekamu Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) A New Species of Small Green Treefrog (Pelodryadidae: Litoria) from the Lakekamu Basin in Southern Papua New Guinea [Stephen J. Richards, David Bickford]
2023-02-22 Leptobrachella dong Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) A new Asian leaf litter toad of the genus Leptobrachella (Amphibia, Anura, Megophryidae) from central south China [Jing Liu, Shengchao Shi, Shize Li, Mengfei Zhang, Sunjun Xiang, Gang Wei, Bin Wang]
2023-02-22 Centrolene zarza Centrolenidae A new glassfrog species of the genus Centrolene (Amphibia, Anura, Centrolenidae) from Cordillera del Cóndor, southern Ecuador [Paul Székely, María Córdova-Díaz, Daniel Hualpa-Vega, Santiago Hualpa-Vega, Diana Székely]
2023-02-15 Gephyromantis cornucopia,
Gephyromantis feomborona,
Gephyromantis kremenae,
Gephyromantis mafifeo,
Gephyromantis mitsinjo,
Gephyromantis sergei
Mantellidae (Mantellinae) An endless harvest: integrative revision of the Gephyromantis boulengeri and G. blanci complexes reveals six new species of mantellid frogs from Madagascar [Aurélien Miralles, Jörn Köhler, Frank Glaw, Katharina C. Wollenberg Valero, Angelica Crottini, Goncalo M. Rosa, Louis du Preez, Philip-Sebastian Gehring, David R. Vieites, Fanomezana M. Ratsoavina & Miguel Vences]
2023-02-07 Oreophryne chlorops Microhylidae (Asterophryinae) A new large Oreophryne species from the mountains of Papua Province, Indonesian New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae) [Rainer Günther, Djoko T. Iskandar, Stephen J. Richards]
2023-02-03 Amolops truongi Ranidae A new species of Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) from Son La Province, northwestern Vietnam [Anh Van Pham, Cuong The Pham, Hanh Ngo, Sung Ba Nenh, Thomas Ziegler, Minh Le]
2023-02-02 Hyperolius ukaguruensis Hyperoliidae (Hyperoliinae) Diversification of spiny-throated reed frogs (Anura: Hyperoliidae) with the description of a new, range-restricted species from the Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania [Lucinda P. Lawson, Simon P. Loader, John V. Lyakurwa, H. Christoph Liedtke]
2023-01-26 Litoria hastula Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) A new species of torrent-breeding treefrog (Pelodryadidae: Litoria) from the mountains of Papua, Indonesia, with new records and observations of Litoria dorsivena (Tyler, 1968) [Paul M. Oliver, Djoko T. Iskandar, Stephen J. Richards]
2023-01-19 Hyloscirtus tolkieni Hylidae
A new stream treefrog of the genus Hyloscirtus (Amphibia, Hylidae) from the Río Negro-Sopladora National Park, Ecuador [Juan C. Sánchez-Nivicela, José M. Falcón-Reibán, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia]
2023-01-11 Litoria raniformis major (ssp. nov.),
Litoria raniformis raniformis
(ssp. nov.)
Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) Molecular systematic analysis demonstrates that the threatened southern bell frog, Litoria raniformis (Anura: Pelodryadidae) of eastern Australia, comprises two sub-species [JUDIT VÖRÖS, SKYE WASSENS, LUKE PRICE, DAVID HUNTER, STEVEN MYERS, KYLE ARMSTRONG, MICHAEL J. MAHONY, STEPHEN DONNELLAN]
2023-01-09 Pseudophilautus pardus/ Pseudophilautus viridis Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) Pseudophilautus pardus, a junior synonym of P. viridis (Amphibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae) [NAYANA WIJAYATHILAKA, USHANI PERERA, KELUM MANAMENDRA-ARACHCHI, GAJABA ELLEPOLA, HIMASH ADHIKARI, SANOJ WIJAYASEKARA, MENDIS WICKRAMASINGHE, VIMUKTHI PRATHAP, MADHAVA MEEGASKUMBURA]
2023-01-05 Caecilia atelolepis,
Caecilia epicrionopsoides,
Caecilia macrodonta
Caeciliidae On the identities of Caecilia degenerata Dunn, 1942 and of C. corpulenta Taylor, 1968 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae) with descriptions of three new species of Caecilia Linnaeus, 1758 from the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia, [JUAN DAVID FERNÁNDEZ-ROLDÁN, JOHN D. LYNCH, GUIDO FABIAN MEDINA-RANGEL]
2022-12-19 Hoplobatrachus salween Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) A new species of the genus Hoplobatrachus Peters, 1863 (Anura, Dicroglossidae) from northwestern Thailand [Prapaiporn Thongproh, Jidapa Chunskul, Yutthana Sringurngam, Likhit Waiprom, Sunchai Makchai, Michael Cota, Prateep Duengkae, Sutee Duangjai, Mahmudul Hasan, Chantip Chuaynkern and Yodchaiy Chuaynkern]
2022-12-15 Mantidactylus Mantellidae (Mantellinae) 20 new species, 4 new subspecies, 2 revalidated species
2022-12-14 Hyloxalus jhoncito Dendrobatidae (Hyloxalinae) The Enigmatic Hyloxalus edwardsi Species Group (Anura: Dendrobatidae): Phylogenetic Position, a New Species, and New Putative Morphological Synapomorphies [Marvin Anganoy-Criollo, Andres Viuche-Lozano, Maria Paula Enciso-Calle, Manuel Hernando Bernal, Taran Grant]
2022-12-12 Nidirana guibeiensis Ranidae A new species of Nidirana (Anura, Ranidae) from northern Guangxi, China [Wei-Cai Chen, Jian-Ping Ye, Wan-Xiao Peng, Peng Li, Tong-Ping Su, Gui-Dong Yu, Zhi-Ying Cheng]
2022-12-12 Eleutherodactylus montserratae Eleutherodactylidae (Eleutherodactylinae) A new species of frog from the Caribbean island of Montserrat (Eleutherodactylidae, Eleutherodactylus) [S. BLAIR HEDGES]
2022-12-05 Odontophrynus toledoi Odontophrynidae A new species of Odontophrynus (Anura, Odontophrynidae) from the southern portion of the Mantiqueira mountains Matheus de Toledo Moroti, Mariana Pedrozo, Marcos Rafael Severgnini, Guilherme Augusto-Alves, Simone Dena, Itamar Alves Martins, Ivan Nunes, Edelcio Muscat]
2022-11-22 Litoria insularis Hylidae (Pelodryadinae) A new species of insular treefrog in the Litoria thesaurensis species group from the Nakanai Mountains, New Britain, Papua New Guinea [Stephen J. Richards, Paul M. Oliver]
2022-11-18 Rana kyoto Ranidae Description of a new subterranean breeding brown frog (Ranidae: Rana) from Japan [KOSHIRO ETO, MASAFUMI MATSUI, TAKAHIRO SUGAHARA]
2022-11-16 Ichthyosaura alpestris bakonyiensis (ssp. nov.)
Salamandridae Nomenclatural Validation Of Ichthyosaura Alpestris Bakonyiensis Subsp. N. (Amphibia: Salamandridae) From Western Hungary [Judit Vörös]
2022-11-15 Nyctibatrachus tunga Nyctibatrachidae A new cryptic species of Nyctibatrachus (Amphibia, Anura, Nyctibatrachidae) with description of its tadpole from the central Western Ghats, India [K.S. PAVAN KUMAR, H.U. VISHWAJITH, ANAND ANISHA, G.Y. DAYANANDA, KOTAMBYLU VASUDEVA GURURAJA, HEBBAR PRITI]
2022-11-10 Pristimantis guianensis Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A new species of rain frog (Anura: Strabomantidae: Pristimantis) from the Guiana Shield and amended diagnosis of P. ockendeni (Boulenger, 1912) [Alexander Tamanini Mônico, Miquéias Ferrão, Juan Carlos Chaparro, Antoine Fouquet, Albertina Pimentel Lima]
2022-11-08 Leptopelis shebellensis,
Leptopelis xeniae
Arthroleptidae (Leptopelinae) Genetic and morphometric analyses of historical type specimens clarify the taxonomy of the Ethiopian Leptopelis gramineus species complex (Anura, Arthroleptidae) [Sandra Goutte, Jacobo Reyes-Velasco, Abeje Kassie, Stéphane Boissinot]
2022-10-28 Microhyla hmongorum,
Microhyla xodangorum
Microhylidae (Microhylinae) Distribution pattern of the Microhyla heymonsi group (Anura, Microhylidae) with descriptions of two new species from Vietnam [Chung Van Hoang, Tao Thien Nguye, Tien Quang Phan, Cuong The Pham, Hoa Thi Ninh, Bin Wang, Jianping Jiang, Thomas Ziegler, Truong Quang Nguyen]
2022-10-26 Chiasmocleis jacki Microhylidae (Gastrophryninae) A new Chiasmocleis (Anura: Microhylidae) from the eastern Guiana Shield with an amended definition of C. haddadi Peloso, Sturaro, Forlani, Gaucher, Motta, & Wheeler, 2014 [ANTOINE FOUQUET, MIGUEL T. RODRIGUES, PEDRO PELOSO]
2022-10-24 Rana zhijinensis Ranidae Description of a new species of the genus Rana (Anura: Ranidae) from western Guizhou, China, integrating morphological and molecular genetic data [Shasha Yan, Qingqing He, Tao Luo, Cheng Xu, Huaiqing Deng, Ning Xiao, Jiang Zhou]
2022-10-22 Microhyla dabieshanensis Microhylidae (Microhylinae) A New Species of the Genus Microhyla (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) from the Dabie Mountains, China [Caiwen Zhang, Cheng Chen, Meihua Zhang, Zhiyue Wang, Haohao Ma, Ruolei Sun, Jianping Jiang and Baowei Zhang]
2022-10-20 Brachycephalus clarissae Brachycephalidae Hidden by the name: A New Species of Brachycephalus (Anura, Brachycephalidae) from a Montane Atlantic Rainforest of Southeastern Brazil, with a Reappraisal of the Species Groups in the Genus [Manuella Folly, Davor Vrcibradic, Carla C. Siqueira, Carlos F. D. Rocha, Alessandra S. Machado, Ricardo T. Lopes, José P. Pombal Jr]
2022-10-20 Pseudoeurycea jaguar Plethodontidae (Plethodontinae) A new arboreal Pseudoeurycea (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from the Sierra de Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico [Erasmo Cázares-Hernández, H. David Jimeno-Sevilla, Sean M. Rovito, Marco Antonio López-Luna, Luis Canseco-Márquez]
2022-10-19 Serranobatrachus (gen. nov.)
S. carmelitae
(comb. nov.),
S. cristinae
(comb. nov.),
S. delicatus
(comb. nov.),
S. insignitus
(comb. nov.),
S. megalops
(comb. nov.),
S. ruthveni (
comb. nov.),
S. sanctaemartae
(comb. nov.)
Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A new genus of terraranas (Anura: Brachycephaloidea) from northern South America, with a systematic review of Tachiramantis [Sandy Arroyo, Mariane Targino, Luis Alberto Rueda-Solano, Juan M. Daza and Taran Grant]
2022-10-17 Pristimantis anaiae,
Pristimantis glendae,
Pristimantis kunam,
Pristimantis resistencia,
Pristimantis tamia,
Pristimantis venegasi
Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Six new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Llanganates National Park and Sangay National Park in Amazonian cloud forests of Ecuador [Jhael A. Ortega, Jorge Brito, Santiago R. Ron]
2022-10-11 Rhacophorus yadongensis Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new species of bush frog (Anura, Rhacophoridae, Raorchestes) from southern Xizang, China [HE ZHANG, GUO-CHENG SHU, FU SHU, KE LI, QIN LIU, YA-YONG WU, BING-JUN DONG, PENG GUO]
2022-10-10 Chiasmocleis abofoa Microhylidae (Gastrophryninae) A new species of Chiasmocleis Méhely, 1904 (Anura: Microhylidae) from the Peruvian Amazonia [OMAR ROJAS-PADILLA, GIUSSEPE GAGLIARDI-URRUTIA, EHIKO J. RIOS-ALVA, SANTIAGO CASTROVIEJO-FISHER Á]
2022-10-10 Quasipaa taoi Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) Hidden in the jungle of Vietnam: a new species of Quasipaa (Amphibia, Anura, Dicroglossidae) from Ngoc Linh Mountain [Cuong The Pham, Chung Van Hoang, Tien Quang Phan, Truong Quang Nguyen, Thomas Ziegler]
2022-10-08 Bufo yunlingensis,
Bufo yongdeensis
Bufonidae Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022)
2022-10-08 Nanorana bangdaensis Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022)
2022-10-08 Leptobrachella pingbianensis,
Scutiger bangdaensis,
Scutiger biluoensis,
Scutiger meiliensis
Megophryidae (Leptobrachiinae) Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022)
2022-10-08 Amolops binchachaensis Ranidae Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022)
2022-10-08 Cynops puerensis,
Paramesotriton malipoensis,
Tylototriton joe
Salamandridae Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022)
2022-10-08 Pristimantis morlaco Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Una nueva especie de Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) de la provincia del Azuay, Andes sur de Ecuador [Juan C. Sánchez-Nivicela, Eduardo Toral-Contreras, Verónica L. Urgiles]
2022-10-07 Nototriton kenorum,
Nototriton lateomuscus,
Nototriton maximo,
Nototriton vereh
Plethodontidae (Hemidactyliinae) Revised taxonomy and distributions of Costa Rican moss salamanders (Caudata: Plethodontidae: Nototriton), with descriptions of new taxa [BRIAN KUBICKI, AURA REYES, ERICK ARIAS]
2022-10-03 Pristimantis miltongallardoi
Pristimantis omarrhynchus
Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Dos nuevas especies del grupo Pristimantis boulengeri (Anura: Strabomantidae) de la cuenca alta del río Napo, Ecuador [Patricia Bejarano-Muñoz, Santiago R. Ron, Maria José Navarrete, Mario H. Yánez-Muñoz]
2022-09-29 Hyloscirtus sethmacfarlanei Hylidae
A spectacular new species of Hyloscirtus (Anura: Hylidae) from the Cordillera de Los Llanganates in the eastern Andes of Ecuador [Juan P. Reyes-Puig, Darwin Recalde, Fausto Recalde, Claudia Koch, Juan M. Guayasamin, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, Lou Jost, Mario H. Yánez-Muñoz]
2022-09-28 Leptobrachella verrucosa Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A new species of the genus Leptobrachella (Anura, Megophryidae) from northwestern Guangdong Province, China [Shi-Shi Lin, Yuan-Hang Li, Yu-Hong Lu, Hong-Lin Su, Shi-Bin Wu, Qi-Qi Zhang, Mei-Juan Mo, Shao-Jun Xiao, Zhong Pan, Hu-Jun Pan, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Jian Wang]
2022-09-28 Desmognathus adatsihi,
Desmognathus balsameus
Plethodontidae (Plethodontinae) Systematics of the Ocoee Salamander (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus ocoee), with description of two new species from the southern Blue Ridge Mountains [R. ALEXANDER PYRON, DAVID A. BEAMER]
2022-09-22 Rana taihangensis Ranidae A New Brown Frog of the Genus Rana (Anura, Ranidae) from North China, with a Taxonomic Revision of the R. chensinensis Species Group [Huijun SHEN; Mengyu XU; Xinyue YANG; Zhuo CHEN; Nengwen XIAO and Xiaohong CHEN]
2022-09-22 Desmognathus valtos Plethodontidae (Plethodontinae) Allocation of Salamandra auriculata Holbrook, 1838, with a new species of swamp-dwelling dusky salamander (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus) from the Atlantic Coastal Plain [R. ALEXANDER PYRON, DAVID A. BEAMER]
2022-09-20 Caecilia aprix Caeciliidae A new species of the genus Caecilia Linnaeus, 1758 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae) from Caquetá, Colombia [Fernández-Roldán, J. D., & Rueda-Almonacid, J. V.]
2022-09-05 Odorrana concelata Ranidae Discovery of a new limestone karst-restricted odorous frog from northern Guangdong, China [Shi-Shi Lin, Yuan-Hang Li, Hong-Lin Su, Hui Yi, Zhong Pan, Yan-Jun Sun, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Jian Wang]
2022-09-01 Boana guarinimirim Hylidae
A New Cryptic Species of Boana (Hylinae: Cophomantini) of the B. polytaenia Clade from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest [Pedro Marinho; Davi L. Bang; Izadora Vidigal; Ariovaldo A. Giaretta]
2022-08-31 Tlalocohyla celeste Hylidae
A new species of brilliant green frog of the genus Tlalocohyla (Anura, Hylidae) hiding between two volcanoes of northern Costa Rica [DONALD VARELA-SOTO, JUAN G. ABARCA, ESTEBAN BRENES-MORA, VALERIA ASPINALL, TWAN LEENDERS, ALEX SHEPACK]
2022-08-26 Hynobius oni Hynobiidae (Hynobiinae) A new species of lotic breeding salamander (Amphibia, Caudata, Hynobiidae) from Shikoku, Japan [Sally Kanamori, Kanto Nishikawa, Masafumi Matsui, Shingo Tanabe]
2022-08-12 Rhacophorus napoensis Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new species of Rhacophorus (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Guangxi, China [Jing Li, Shuo Liu, Guohua Yu, Tao Sun]
2022-08-10 Afrixalus lacustris,
Afrixalus phantasma
2022-08-08 Glandirana reliquia Ranidae Genetic and morphological variation analyses of Glandirana rugosa with description of a new species (Anura, Ranidae) [TOMOHIKO SHIMADA, MASAFUMI MATSUI, MITSUAKI OGATA, IKUO MIURA, MAI TANGE, MI-SOOK MIN, KOSHIRO ETO]
2022-08-08 Onychodactylus sillanus Hynobiidae (Hynobiinae) Dwindling in the mountains: Description of a critically endangered and microendemic Onychodactylus species (Amphibia, Hynobiidae) from the Korean Peninsula [Amaël Borzée, Yucheol Shin, Nikolay A. Poyarkov, Jong Yoon Jeon, Hae Jun Baek, Chang Hoon Lee, Junghwa An, Yoon Jee Hong, Mi-Sook Min]
2022-08-03 Allobates kamilae Aromobatidae (Allobatinae) A new nurse frog of the Allobates tapajos species complex (Anura: Aromobatidae) from the upper Madeira River, Brazilian Amazonia [Miquéias Ferrão, James Hanken, Albertina P. Lima]
2022-07-22 Leptodactylus fremitus Leptodactylidae (Leptodactylinae) Species diversity and systematics of the Leptodactylus melanonotus group (Anura, Leptodactylidae): review of diagnostic traits and a new species from the Eastern Guiana Shield [Thiago R. Carvalho, Antoine Fouquet, Mariana L. Lyra, Ariovaldo A. Giaretta, C. Eduardo Costa-Campos, Miguel T. Rodrigues, Célio F. B. Haddad & Santiago R. RonD]
2022-07-21 Ansonia infernalis Bufonidae A new species of stream toad of the genus Ansonia Stoliczka, 1870 (Anura: Bufonidae) from Nakhon Si Thammarat Range in southern Thailand [CHATMONGKON SUWANNAPOOM, L. LEE GRISMER, PARINYA PAWANGKHANANT, NIKOLAY A. POYARKOV]
2022-07-21 Hynobius sengokui Hynobiidae (Hynobiinae) Taxonomic reappraisal of Hynobius tokyoensis, with description of a new species from northeastern Honshu, Japan (Amphibia: Caudata) [MASAFUMI MATSUI, YASUCHIKA MISAWA, NATSUHIKO YOSHIKAWA, KANTO NISHIKAWA]
2022-07-19 Desmognathus gvnigeusgwotli,
Desmognathus kanawha,
Desmognathus mavrokoilius
Plethodontidae (Plethodontinae) Nomenclatural solutions for diagnosing ‘cryptic’ species using molecular and morphological data facilitate a taxonomic revision of the Black-bellied Salamanders (Urodela, Desmognathus ‘quadramaculatus’) from the southern Appalachian Mountains [R. ALEXANDER PYRON, DAVID A. BEAMER]
2022-07-18 Pelophylax mongolicus (comb. nov.) Ranidae Taxonomic status of Rana nigromaculata mongolia and the validity of Pelophylax tenggerensis (Anura, Ranidae) [SHENGBO ZHOU, LI HE, SIYU MA, SHUJUN XU, QIANG ZHAI, PING GUAN, HUI WANG, JINGSONG SHI]
2022-07-14 Amolops shihaitaoi Ranidae A cryptic species of the Amolops ricketti species group (Anura, Ranidae) from China–Vietnam border regions [Jian Wang, Jing Li, Lingyun Du, Mian Hou, Guohua Yu]
2022-07-11 Amolops wangyali Ranidae A review of torrent frogs (Amolops: Ranidae) from Bhutan, the description of a new species, and reassessment of the taxonomic validity of some A. viridimaculatus group species aided by archival DNA sequences of century-old type specimens [Stephen Mahony, Tshering Nidup, Jeffrey W. Streicher, Emma C. Teeling & Rachunliu G. Kamei]
2022-07-01 Occidozyga lingnanica (sp. nov.)
Occidozyga obscura
(comb. nov.)
Dicroglossidae (Occidozyginae) Taxonomic clarifications on the floating frogs (Anura: Dicroglossidae: Occidozyga sensu lato) in southeastern China [Zhi-Tong Lyu, Jian Wang, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Lin Luo, Yan-Wu Zhang, Chun-Peng Guo, Jin-Long Ren, Shuo Qi, Yun-Ming Mo, Ying-Yong Wang]
2022-06-29 Micryletta subaraji Microhylidae (Microhylinae) Morphology, phylogeny, and species delimitation of Micryletta (Anura: Microhylidae) reveals a new species from Singapore [Ananthanarayanan Sankar, Ingg Thong Law, Ing Sind Law, Rasu Shivaram, Robin K. Abraham, Kin Onn Chan]
2022-06-24 Pristimantis symptosus Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Rediscovery, redescription and identity of Pristimantis nebulosus (Henle, 1992), and description of a new terrestrial-breeding frog from montane rainforests of central Peru (Anura, Strabomantidae)” in Northeast Brazil [Jörn Köhler, Ernesto Castillo-Urbina, César Aguilar-Puntriano, Miguel Vences, Frank Glaw]
2022-06-23 Kurixalus inexpectatus Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) Description of a new Kurixalus species (Rhacophoridae, Anura) and a northwards range extension of the genus [Kevin R. Messenger, Siti N. Othman, Ming-Feng Chuang, Yi Yang, Amaël Borzée]
2022-06-22 Nidirana shiwandashanensis Ranidae A New Species of Nidirana (Anura, Ranidae) from Southern Guangxi, China [Weicai CHEN, Wanxiao PENG, Peng LI and Youjun LIU]
2022-06-22 Leptobrachella yunyangensis Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A New Species of the Asian Leaf Litter Toad Genus Leptobrachella (Amphibia, Anura, Megophryidae) from Chongqing City, Southwest China [Tao LUO, Weifeng WANG, Dong PENG, Bo LEI, Huaiqing DENG, Shengnan JI, Heqing HUANG and Jiang ZHOU]
2022-06-16 Pristimantis crepitaculus Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Back from the deaf: integrative taxonomy revalidates anearless and mute species, Hylodes grandoculis van Lidth de Jeude, 1904, and confirms a new species of Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870 (Anura: Strabomantidae) from the Eastern Guiana Shield” [Antoine Fouquet, Pedro Peloso, Rawien Jairam, Albertina P. Lima, Alexander T. Mônico, Rafael Ernst, Philippe J.R.Kok]
2022-06-14 Anstisia (gen. nov.) Myobatrachidae A new genus for four myobatrachid frogs from the South Western Australian Ecoregion [GRANT N. WEBSTER, IAN BOOLN]
2022-06-09 Rhinella angeli,
Rhinella unapensis
Bufonidae Two new surprising species of leaf-litter toad of the Rhinella margaritifera species group (Anura: Bufonidae) from the Peruvian Amazon, Loreto—Peru [ROMMEL R. ROJAS, PEDRO PEREZ PEÑA, ROBSON W. ÁVILA, VINICIUS TADEU DE CARVALHO, RENATA PEREZ, IZENI PIRES FARIAS, MARCELO GORDO, TOMAS HRBEK]
2022-06-08 Xenophrys truongsonensis Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A new species of Xenophrys (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Truong Son Range, Vietnam [ANH MAI LUONG, CHUNG VAN HOANG, CUONG THE PHAM, TAO THIEN, NIKOLAI ORLOV, THOMAS ZIEGLER, TRUONG QUANG NGUYEN]
2022-06-06 Stumpffia lynnae Microhylidae (Cophylinae) An unexpected new red-bellied Stumpffia (Microhylidae) from forest fragments in central Madagascar highlights remaining cryptic diversity [Katherine E. Mullin, Manoa G. Rakotomanga, Jeff Dawson, Frank Glaw, Andolalao Rakotoarison, Pablo Orozco-terWengel, Mark D. Scherz]
2022-06-03 Leptobrachella shimentaina Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A new Leptobrachella species (Anura, Megophryidae) from South China, with comments on the taxonomic status of L. chishuiensis and L. purpurus [Jian Wang, Shuo Qi, Ke-Yuan Dai, Zhi-Tong Lyu, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Hong-Hui Chen, Yuan-Qiu Li, Yong-You Zhao, Yun-Ze Wang, Ying-Yong Wang]
2022-06-02 Tylototriton houi
Echinotriton raffaellii
Salamandridae Towards completing the crocodile newts’ puzzle with all-inclusive phylogeographic resources [Christophe Dufresnes, Axel Hernandez]
2022-05-26 Gephyromantis fiharimpe
Gephyromantis matsilo
Gephyromantis oelkrugi
Gephyromantis portonae
Mantellidae (Mantellinae) An integrative taxonomic revision and redefinition of Gephyromantis (Laurentomantis) malagasius based on archival DNA analysis reveals four new mantellid frog species from Madagascar [Miguel Vences, Jörn Köhler, Angelica Crottini, Michael Hofreiter, Carl R. Hutter, Louis du Preez, Michaela Preick, Andolalao Rakotoarison, Loïs Rancilhac, Achille P. Raselimanana, Gonçalo M. Rosa, Mark D. Scherz, Frank Glaw]
2022-05-18 Andrias jiangxiensis Cryptobranchidae Discovery of a wild, genetically pure Chinese giant salamander creates new conservation opportunities [Jing Chai, Chen-Qi Lu, Mu-Rong Yi, Nian-Hua Dai, Xiao-Dong Weng, Ming-Xiao Di, Yong Peng, Yong Tang, Qing-Hua Shan, Kai Wang, Huan-Zhang Liu, Hai-Peng Zhao, Jie-Qiong Jin, Ru-Jun Cao, Ping Lu, Lai-Chun Luo, Robert W. Murphy, Ya-Ping Zhang, Jing Che]
2022-05-03 Theloderma hekouense Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new cryptic species in the Theloderma rhododiscus complex (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from China–Vietnam border regions [Lingyun Du, Jian Wang, Shuo Liu, Guohua Yu]
2022-05-03 Desmognathus pascagoula Plethodontidae (Plethodontinae) A new, narrowly endemic species of swamp-dwelling dusky salamander (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus) from the Gulf Coastal Plain of Mississippi and Alabama [R. ALEXANDER PYRON, KYLE A. O’CONNELL, JENNIFER Y. LAMB, DAVID A. BEAMER]
2022-04-29 Bolitoglossa cathyledecae Plethodontidae A new salamander of the genus Bolitoglossa (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from the highlands of western Panama [MARCOS PONCE, DEIVY NAVARRO, ROGER MORALES, ABEL BATISTA]
2022-04-20 Tylototriton tongziensis Salamandridae Description of a new species of the newt genus Tylototriton sensu lato (Amphibia: Urodela: Salamandridae) from southwestern China [SHI-ZE LI, JING LIU, SHENG-CHAO SHI, GANG WEI, BIN WANG]
2022-04-12 Pristimantis campesino Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Phylogeographic structure suggests environmental gradient speciation in a montane frog from the northern Andes of Colombia [Ana M. Sepúlveda-Seguro, Carlos M. Marín, Adolfo Amézquita, Yuly A. García & Juan M. Daza]
2022-04-04 Craugastor bitonium,
Craugastor candelariensis,
Craugastor cueyatl,
Craugastor polaclavus,
Craugastor portilloensis,
Craugastor rubinus
Craugastoridae Miniaturization in Direct-Developing Frogs from Mexico with the Description of Six New Species [Tom J.M. Jameson, Jeffrey W. Streicher, Luigi Manuelli, Jason J. Head, Eric N. Smith]
2022-03-29 Rhinella teotoniensis Bufonidae Hidden in the litter: cryptic diversity of the leaf-litter toad Rhinella castaneotica–proboscidea complex revealed through integrative taxonomy, with description of a new species from south-western Amazonia [Miquéias Ferrão, Olavo Pinhatti Colatreli, James Hanken, Albertina Pimentel Lima]
2022-03-29 Hynobius owariensis Hynobiidae Taxonomic Re-examination of the Yamato Salamander Hynobius vandenburghi: Description of a New Species from Central Honshu, Japan [Hirotaka SUGAWARA, Takeshi FUJITANI, Shota SEGUCHI, Takuo SAWAHATA, Masahiro NAGANO]
2022-03-29 Hynobius geiyoensis
Hynobius sumidai
Hynobiidae Molecular Phylogenetic and Morphological Problems of the Aki Salamander Hynobius akiensis: Description of Two New Species from Chugoku, Japan [Hirotaka SUGAWARA, Jun-ichi NAITO, Takayuki IWATA, Masahiro NAGANO]
2022-03-21 Rhacophorus trangdinhensis Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A New Species of Rhacophorus Genus (Anura: Rhacophoridae: Rhacophorinae) from Lang Son Province, Northern Vietnam [Ivan I. Kropachev, Alexey A. Evsyunin, Nikolai L. Orlov, Tao Thien Nguyen]
2022-03-18 Hyalinobatrachium mashpi,
Hyalinobatrachium nouns
Centrolenidae Two new glassfrogs (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) from Ecuador, with comments on the endangered biodiversity of the Andes [Juan M. Guayasamin, Rebecca M. Brunner, Anyelet Valencia-Aguilar, Daniela Franco-Mena, Eva Ringler, Anderson Medina Armijos, Carlos Morochz, Lucas Bustamante, Ross J. Maynard, Jaime Culebras]
2022-03-14 Phantasmarana curucutuensis,
Phantasmarana tamuia
Hylodidae Unveiling the diversity of Giant Neotropical Torrent frogs (Hylodidae): phylogenetic relationships, morphology, and the description of two new species [Fábio P. de Sá, Thais H. Condez, Mariana L. Lyra, Célio F. B. Haddad & Leo R. Malagoli]
2022-03-11 Proceratophrys velhochico Odontophrynidae A New Species of Proceratophrys (Anura: Odontophrynidae) from Boqueirão da Onça, Northern Bahia State, Brazil [Sarah Mângia, Felipe de Medeiros Magalhães, Felipe Sá Fortes Leite, Diego Gomiero Cavalheri, Adrian Antonio Garda]
2022-03-07 Allobates paleci Aromobatidae (Allobatinae) A new Amazonian species of Allobates Zimmermann & Zimmermann, 1988 (Aromobatidae) with a trilled advertisement call [Leandro A. Silva, Ricardo Marques, Henrique Folly, Diego J. Santana]
2022-03-01 Lithobates (Rana) cora,
Lithobates (Rana) floresi
Ranidae Two new species of Leopard frogs of Rana genus (ANURA: RANIDAE) from northwestern of the Mexican Pacific versant [Edmundo Pérez-Ramos & Víctor Hugo Luja-Molina]
2022-02-24 Onychodactylus pyrrhonotus Hynobiidae A New Salamander of the Genus Onychodactylus from Central Honshu, Japan (Amphibia, Caudata, Hynobiidae) [Natsuhiko Yoshikawa, Masafumi Matsui]
2022-02-23 Philoria knowlesi Limnodynastidae A new species of Philoria (Anura: Limnodynastidae) from the uplands of the Gondwana Rainforests World Heritage Area of eastern Australia [MICHAEL J MAHONY, HARRY B HINES, TERRY BERTOZZI, STEPHEN V MAHONY, DAVID A NEWELL, JOHN M CLARKE, STEPHEN C DONNELLAN]
2022-02-23 Stumpffia bishopi Microhylidae (Cophylinae) Discovery of frogs of the Stumpffia hara species group (Microhylidae, Cophylinae) on Montagne d’Ambre in northern Madagascar, with description of a new species [Andolalao Rakotoarison, Frank Glaw, Safidy M. Rasolonjatovo, Jary H. Razafindraibe, Miguel Vences, Mark D. Scherz]
2022-02-22 Pristimantis relictus Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) A new species of Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870 (Anura: Strabomantidae) from the “Brejos de Altitude” in Northeast Brazil [IGOR JOVENTINO ROBERTO, DANIEL LOEBMANN, MARIANA L. LYRA, CÉLIOF.B HADDAD, ROBSON WALDEMAR ÁVILA]
2022-02-21 Euphlyctis jaladhara Dicroglossidae (Dicroglossinae) Discovery of a new species of Euphlyctis (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from the western coastal plains of peninsular India [K.P. DINESH, B.H. CHANNAKESHAVAMURTHY, P. DEEPAK, A. SHABNAM, AVRAJJAL GHOSH, KAUSHIK DEUTI]
2022-02-18 Brachytarsophrys qiannanensis Megophryidae (Megophryinae) A new toad species of the genus Brachytarsophrys Tian & Hu, 1983 (Anura, Megophryidae) from Guizhou Province, China [Shize Li, Jing Liu, Guiping Yang, Gang Wei, Haijun Su]
2022-02-16 Synapturanus danta Microhylidae (Otophryninae) A needle in a haystack: Integrative taxonomy reveals the existence of a new small species of fossorial frog (Anura, Microhylidae, Synapturanus) from the vast lower Putumayo basin, Peru [Germán Chávez, Michelle E. Thompson, David A. Sánchez, Juan Carlos Chávez-Arribasplata, Alessandro Catenazzi]
2022-02-16 Elachistocleis sikuani,
Elachistocleis tinigua
Microhylidae (Gastrophryninae) Two new species of Elachistocleis Parker, 1927 (Anura: Microhylidae: Gastrophryninae) from Colombia [ANDRÉS R. ACOSTA-GALVIS, JOÃO F. R. TONINI, RAFAEL O. DE SÁ]
2022-02-16 Theloderma khoii Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae) A new species of mossy frog (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Northeastern Vietnam [Hoa Thi Ninh, Tao Thien Nguyen, Huy Quoc Nguyen, Ngoc Van Hoang, Sonephet Siliyavong, Thinh Van Nguyen, Dzung Trung Le, Quyet Khac Le, Thomas Ziegler]
2022-02-15 Gastrotheca flavodactyla,
Gastrotheca trachyplevra
Hemiphractidae (Hemiphractinae) Two new species of marsupial frogs (Anura: Hemiphractidae) from the Central Andes of northern Peru [Lourdes Y. Echevarría, Daniel J. Paluh, Luis A. García-Ayachi, Pablo J. Venegas, Alessandro Catenazzi, Renzo Pradel & Santiago Castroviejo-Fisheri]
2022-02-14 Microhyla nakkavaram Microhylidae (Microhylinae) Hiding in Plain Sight: Rain Water Puddles in Nicobar Islands of India Reveal Abundance of a New Frog Species of the Genus Microhyla Tschudi, 1838 (Anura: Microhylidae) [Sonali Garg, Chandrakasan Sivaperuman, G. Gokulakrishnan, S. R. Chandramouli, and S. D. Biju]
2022-02-10 Boulenophrys fengshunensis,
Boulenophrys hungtai,
Boulenophrys puningensis
Megophryidae (Megophryinae) Description of three new Boulenophrys species from eastern Guangdong, China, emphasizing the urgency of ecological conservation in this region (Anura, Megophryidae) [JIAN WANG, ZHAO-CHI ZENG, ZHI-TONG LYU, SHUO QI, ZU-YAO LIU, HONG-HUI CHEN, YU-HONG LU, HUI-WEN XIAO, CAN-RONG LIN, KAI CHEN, YING-YONG WANG]
2022-02-08 Diasporus lynchi Eleutherodactylidae (Eleutherodactylinae) A new golden species of Diasporus (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) from southwestern Colombia, with evaluation of the phylogenetic significance of morphological characters in Diasporus [Jhon Jairo Ospina Sarria, David Andrés Velásquez Trujillo, Christian Oswaldo Castaño Saavedra, Luis Fernando Castillo, Wilmar Bolívar-García]
2022-02-03 Pristimantis cryptopictus Strabomantidae (Pristimantinae) Genética, bioacústica y morfología revelan una nueva especie oculta en Pristimantis dorsopictus (Anura: Strabomantidae)
[Eliza Patiño-Ocampo, Sebastián Duarte-Marín and Mauricio Rivera Correa]
2022-02-03 Scinax albertinae Hylidae
A New Snouted Treefrog of the Genus Scinax (Anura, Hylidae) from the White-Sand Forests of Central Amazonia
[Miquéias Ferrão, Jiří Moravec, Anthony S. Ferreira, Leandro J. C. L. Moraes, James Hanken]



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